Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Most Dangerous Game The Hunters and the Hunted
The Most Dangerous Game: The Hunters and the Hunted Richard Connell’s short story, The Most Dangerous Game, tells the story of a famous hunter named Rainsford, who falls off of a yacht and swims to an island called Ship-Trap Island. While on Ship Trap Island, Rainsford encounters a man named General Zaroff, who began hunting humans on the island after becoming bored of hunting animals. One night, Zaroff announces to Rainsford that he will be the next victim in his hunting game. Zaroff informs Rainsford that if he manages to survive for three days without being killed, then he can leave the island. Throughout the plot of this short story, there is a consistent theme of the world being composed of two classes of people: the hunters and the hunted. General Zaroff and Rainsford both find themselves to be divided into this class system, at various times during the hunting game. In this short story, Connell uses foreshadowing to portray the idea that there are two classes of people in the world: the hunters and the hunted, in relation to Rainsford and Zaroff. The theme of the hunters and the hunted is conveyed throughout this short story. At the beginning of this story, Rainsford says to his friend Whitney, â€Å"The world is made up of two classes-the hunters and the hunted†(Connell 40). This quotation sets a path for the rest of the story, as almost everything from the short story reflects upon this idea. From Rainsford’s point of view, his life only revolves around hunting. HeShow MoreRelatedThe Hunter Becomes the Hunted in The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell 683 Words  | 3 Pagesfeel pity for your prey? Is it the fact your prey feels pain? Or is it just that you’re stronger and they’re weaker so it doesn’t matter. The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell is a story about learning and experience, how the hunter becomes the hunted and moralities tested and learning the hard way. The main protagonist Rainsford is a well established hunter who has slaughtered many animals with great joy. H e views his prey as aggressive creatures that are lower that lack any reason to live otherRead MoreCompare And Contrast The Hunters In The Snow And The Most Dangerous Game1019 Words  | 5 PagesDid you know that â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†and â€Å"The Hunters In The Snow†could be similar in so many ways but have some differences in both stories? There are two main characters in â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†and that is Rainsford and General Zaroff and in â€Å"The Hunter In The Snow†has three main characters and that is supposedly friends and that is Tub, Frank, and Kenny. In both stories there are similar times that the elements of the two stories could have similarities and differences. In both storiesRead MoreThe Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell1018 Words  | 5 Pages Hunters and Hunters The story by Richard Connell â€Å"The most Dangerous Game†is a very thrilling, eventful story. Its full of many plot twists and turns. It focuses on one man s struggle for safety and another man s idea of what’s socially acceptable. He claims that there are two types of people. The hunters and the huntees. Zaroff believes that the weak people were only placed onto the earth to serve and please the stronger kind. Meaning he was a stronger person, and anyone he believes he is betterRead MoreThe Fear of the Hunt The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell644 Words  | 3 PagesThe Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell, explores the emotion of fear, by using two philosophies. The first, that there are only two groups of people in the world: the hunters and the hunted and the second being survival of the fittest. The underlying content of â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†relies on a sense of fear and a human’s reaction to a perilous situation. Fear can be defined as â€Å"response to physical and emotional danger†(Psychology Today). This instinctual reaction allows humans to protectRead MoreEssay about Compare and Contrast1284 Words  | 6 PagesSnyper amp; The Most Dangerous Game) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The story The Sniper takes place during the civil war in Dublin, where a single sniper waits on a roof top to eliminate any threat from the oposing forces. This story is very tense right from the begining as soon as he noticed the enemys watching him and a bullet comes close to hitting him. This storys opening is one that catches your attention and gets you really focussed on the story. The Most Dangerous Game on the other handRead MoreThe Most Dangerous Game Character Analysis730 Words  | 3 Pagesdark and they start to become afraid. The reaction to their fear reveals the type of person they are. In the Short story The Most Dangerous Game, Richard Connell shows that Rainsford reveals his character when he is in the dark being hunted by the General. His reaction or his instinct to this internal conflict is to reveal is hunter self and turn the hunter into the hunted. In the story Rainsford crashes a yacht and is forced to swim stranded on a Island. He finds a mansion and in the mansionRead MoreThe Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell908 Words  | 4 PagesForeman wrote the screenplay for a movie called High Noon; a classic tale of when the hunter becomes the hunted. Then in 1924, Richard Connell wrote another classic, called The Most Dangerous Game. Although both stories demonstrate similar examples of the setting and conflict, the main characters react very differently to the unusual situations they find themselves stuck in. High Noon and The Most Dangerous Game share many similarities throughout the text. For example the setting. Both storiesRead MoreEssay on The Most Dangerous Game: Zaroff934 Words  | 4 Pagesstory â€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†the author, Richard Connell, does an outstanding job of portraying the bizarre adventure of an insane, however experienced hunter, General Zaroff. The protagonist, Rainsford, another experienced hunter from New York City, appears on General Zaroff’s island, explores, and eventually encounters with Zaroff. They introduce themselves, settle down, and begin to talk. During the talk with the general, Rainsford soon learns that the General was not only a hunter; but a murdererRead MoreThe Unexpected Killers in The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell and â€Å"The Child By Tiger†by Thomas Wolfe 808 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Most Dangerous Game†by Richard Connell and â€Å"The Child By Tiger†by Thomas Wolfe are two short stories that have completely different plots, but have many similarities that relate them. Both stories deal with unexpected killers and have a twist that surprises the audience. These pieces make use of foreshadowing and address discrimination, but the characterizations of the protagonists are very different and they affect the readers in distinctive ways. First, Thomas Wolfe and Richard ConnellRead MoreThe Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell935 Words  | 4 Pages The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell demonstrated the grey area between hunting and cold blooded murder with the use of irony, setting, and character development. Rainsford, a big game hunter, met General Zaroff who was tired of hunting ‘big game’ and turned to the sport of hunting men. Rainsford was horrified when he learned this. The story followed Rainsford as he was hunted by General Zaroff. The end of the story implied that Rainsford was murdered by Zaroff. The story started off with
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Christianity vs Buddhism - 923 Words
â€Å"Rivers, ponds, lakes, and streamsâ€â€they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions doâ€â€they all contain truths,†said by Muhammad Ali. Religion is the belief and reverence for a supernatural power and powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe (2003). The religions I’ve chose to compare and contrast would be non denomination/ Christianity and Buddhism. Each religion would be broken down by their religious belief, religious ritual, and religious experience. The definition of these religious things are: religious belief is a statement to which members of a particular religion adhere, religious ritual is a practice required or expected of members of a faith, and religious experience is the feeling or†¦show more content†¦Religious Belief Christians believe in Jesus Christ as their savor, while the devil is the enemy of Jesus and try to get Christians to commit evil acts. Angels and demons come into play when good and bad things happen in the world. [Angels=good and Demons=bad] Jesus or God controls Heaven, while the devil controls hell. Heaven is where good souls end up and Hell is where the damned souls end up. People usually use the Holy Spirit as the divine power that enters the person bodies and Virgin Mary is the woman that gave birth to Jesus. Now Buddhist believed in Anatman, Karma, and The Four Noble Truths. The Four Noble Truths are: all of life is marked by suffering, suffering is caused by desire and attachment, suffering can be eliminated, and suffering is eliminated by following the Noble Eightfold Path. Anatman is when Buddhism analyzes human existence as made up of five aggregates or bundles (skandhas): the material body, feelings, perceptions, predispositions or karmic tendencies, and consciousness. A nd Karma is a persons acts and their ethical consequences (2007) Religious Rituals Christians go to Church on Sundays and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. They also read and study the scriptures from the bible new and old testaments. During public and private prayer they pray to GodShow MoreRelatedBuddhism : Buddhism Vs. Christianity1247 Words  | 5 PagesRUNNING HEAD: Journey 3 Buddhism vs. Christianity Brianna M. Stutheit George Fox University We can define rituals as repeated actions that provides us with meaning and significance. Symbols are a small unit of a ritual. Both rituals and symbols play an active role in religion. According to Clifford Geertz, religion can be defined as â€Å"a system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive and long lasting moods and motivations in both men and women by formulating conceptions of generalRead MoreChristianity vs. Buddhism1258 Words  | 6 PagesGabriel Tajimaroa Donavan Ingram Eng 1A April 3 2010 Research Essay Christianity vs. Buddhism There are many religions and sacred texts that have shaped complete civilizations and cultures. They have varied in their theories of creation and how man should live and act towards each other and nature. The more I study religions and sacred text the more I see that for the most part they are alike. Most of them share a view of love and peace towards all things living. What varies between themRead MoreChristianity And Buddhism Vs. Buddhism948 Words  | 4 PagesMany, especially in New Mexico, are familiar with the teaching and conditions of Christianity, beginning the creation of the Heaven and Earth, and coming to an end with the death of Jesus, these teachings are taught weekly through Mass. Buddhism is not a commonly know, again, especially in New Mexico. Buddhism teaches on a more personal level, leaving more supernatural beings to Christianity. However, there are similarities to be discussed. Some include, the decisions as to what is right and whatRead MoreThe Distinguishm ent Of Religions : Christianity Vs. Buddhism1389 Words  | 6 Pages The Distinguishment of Religions: Christianity vs. Buddhism It is evident that religion is considerably a controversial topic across the globe that seems to bring up futile disputes between people. From the many religious extremist groups that have been the world, such as the Crusaders, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS), Al Qaeda, the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS); it is apparent that this certain topic evokes controversial views from enthusiasts. So why is this topic so controversialRead MoreBuddhism Vs Christianity Essay example1051 Words  | 5 Pagesdifferences between the Abrahamic religion, Christianity, and the Asian region Buddhism as well as making reference to the Islamic religion. It is the beliefs or ideologies as well as the traditions which separate and help us differentiate between religions. The main concept of Christianity is that God the Father sent his son Jesus as man to save mankind and open the gates of Heaven on earth. Thy kingdom come thy will be done Ââ€" Lords Prayer. Buddhism is based on the individuals effort, the ideaRead MoreThe Conflict Of War And Peace1614 Words  | 7 Pagesmessage across it to use violence and others might want total power, in order to get this they must use violence. An example of someone who wanted total power was Hitler. Others might be able to get their message across using peace. Comparison -war vs Pacifism War is a big destruction on peoples lives, as many will die from it and only few will survive, but those who do survive will have to live the rest of their days remembering the pain and loss they were put through. But war in not all bad asRead MoreBarrows Vs. Shaku And Dharmapal An Argumentative Analysis1469 Words  | 6 PagesBarrows vs. Shaku and Dharmapala: an argumentative analysis John Henry Barrows and Soyen Shaku represent more than just two religious luminaries having a good-hearted debate. Their deliberation at the late 19th century Parliament of Religions represents the East versus the West, modernity versus tradition and rhetoric versus logic. It’s difficult to take a side on which religion is superior indefinitely because Barrow’s full argument is not in the passage and Shaku is helped a little by AngarikaRead MoreThe Religion Of Islam And Islam1544 Words  | 7 Pagestime, the view of religion is changing, certainly, all religions are different in many aspects, but respect the opposing religious groups. Examples of these religions are Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity that originated from different regions and cultures. While Buddhism comes from a different background, Islam and Christianity come from the same source, and have spread in similar ways throughout history, however, the three religions have differences in their philosophies and practices. These threeRead MoreUnderstanding The Distributions Of Religions942 Words  | 4 PagesAtheism is the belief that there is no God and Agnosticism is the belief that the fact that there is a God or no God cannot be proven. Christianity is a universalizing religion. It is the dominant religion in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia. Countries with a Christian majority exist in Africa and Asia as well. There are three major branches of Christianity–Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. In Europe, Roman Catholicism is the dominant branch in the southwest and east, ProtestantismRead MoreEvaluate the Changes and Continuities in the Role of Religion in Chinese Society from 600 to 1450.1043 Words  | 5 Pagescertain religions while repressing others. While Buddhism flourished during the Sui and Tang dynasty, it faced opposition from the government during the Song dynasty. Confucianism lost government endorsement during the Sui and Tang but gained momentum during the Song as Neo-Confucianism. Yuan dynasty promoted Islam and Tibet Buddhism but ignored Confucianism. Different rulers sponsored and protected different religions but Confucianism and some form of Buddhism have a lways been alive in Chinese society
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Human Overpopulation And Its Effects On Coral Reefs
Throughout the world, coral reefs have died off due to a chemical process known as bleaching. NOAA states in â€Å"What is coral bleaching?†, bleaching is the by-product of corals getting too warm; when corals get too warm they expel the algae (zooxanthellae) living in their tissues, which causes them to turn completely white. Today, the remaining coral reefs are being stressed by the human inhabitants who exist upon the land masses from which these reefs neighbor; which, in turn, has caused these remaining reefs to approach extinction. Moreover, coral reefs are underwater barrier islands, and if they become extinct, Florida and any other landmass protected by a reef shall face the full brunt of every storm that comes their way. However, at the†¦show more content†¦The Great Barrier Reef may contain over 134,286 square miles of marine wildlife, but its secondary purpose is to protect Australia from the killer cyclones that try to invade the country. According to Aliso n Jones and Ray Berkelmans, In December 2010, the highest recorded Queensland rainfall associated with Tropical Cyclone ‘Tasha’ caused flooding of the Fitzroy River in Queensland, Australia. A massive flood plume inundated coral reefs lying 12 km offshore of the Central Queensland coast near Yeppoon and caused 40–100% mortality to coral fringing many of the islands of Keppel Bay down to a depth of [approximately] 8 m. The severity of coral mortality was influenced by the level of exposure to low salinity seawater as a result of the reef’s distance from the flood plume†¦ There was no evidence in this study of mortality resulting from pollutants derived from the nearby Fitzroy Catchment... suggesting that during a major flood, the impact of low salinity on corals outweighs that of pollutants. Recovery of the reefs in Keppel Bay from the 2010/2011 Fitzroy River flood is likely to take 10–15 years basedShow MoreRelatedThe Great Barrier Reef Is Important1142 Words  | 5 Pa gesGreat Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders around the world. It is approximately 344,400 kilometers long. The Great Barrier Reef is home to many marine organisms. More than 1,500 species of fish live in the Great Barrier Reef. The coral that forms The Great Barrier Reef is made of polyps. Billions of living coral polyps are attached to the reef. The colour of these polyps range from blue, green, purple, red and yellow. As the largest living structure on the planet, the Great Barrier Reef is incrediblyRead More The Damaging Impact of Overpopulation on the Environment Essay904 Words  | 4 PagesThe Damaging Impact of Overpopulation on the Environment 6.5 billion†¦This is not a whole lot of bacteria, but when it comes to humans, it is a very formidable number. The human population has been increasing at an extremely high rate in the last century and unfortunately, not much has been done to slow down this process. Undoubtedly, overpopulation is a global issue. It is global because it pertains to all of humanity, but global also means that it affects the whole world, i.e. the environmentRead MoreEffects Of Overpopulation On The Planet s Ecosystems2162 Words  | 9 Pagessuch as medications and vaccines have caused birth rates to surpass mortality rates resulting in overpopulation. According to Population Paradox, an academic article by Mairi Macleod, an evolutionary biologist,â€Å"It took until 1800 for our numbers to reach 1 billion. Now the human population exceeds 7 billion and is set to reach 10 billion by 2085†(Macleod). Overpopulation is having detrimental effects on the planet s ecosystems, which was discusse d in the provided stimulus, The Struggle To GovernRead MoreOverpopulation : Environmental And Social Problems3271 Words  | 14 Pageshas been a sustainable resource that humans have taken advantage of and been nourished by during evolution. Humans consider one of their main goals to reproduce and populate the Earth. As shown in the graph by World Bank , the world population as of 2013, is estimated to be over 7.1 billion. This is the result of exponential growth from previous years. This massive populations have effects on our resources, causes social problems, overcrowds areas, and effects other species. Earth is hitting theRead MoreNegative Effects of Overpopulation on the Environment2014 Words  | 9 Pagesâ€Å"Overconsumption and overpopulation underlie every environmental problem we face today†(â€Å"Population,†Internet). With the current statistics, Jacques could not be more accurate. Every second, 4.2 people are born and 1.8 people die, which would be a net gain of 2.4 people per second (â€Å"Population,†Internet). At this steady rate, the environmental health is spiraling downwards, and it is safe to assume humans are responsible for this. As the population increases, harmful effects on the land, water,Read MoreTaking a Look at Poaching796 Words  | 3 Pagesfor them. The Independent writes: â€Å"evident in the overfishing of sharks, the loss of an apex predator results in the overpopulation of smaller fish†¦Since coral reefs and other marine ecosystems are known to be some of the most diverse in the world, bearing far more delicate and complex food chains than those on land, the loss of one or two species has immediate and adverse effects on the entire ecosystem. Ultimately, as there is insufficient food to sustain the under-controlled and increasing populationRead MoreThe Effects Of Sharks On The World s Ocean Without Those Sharks2057 Words  | 9 Pageswould happen in the world’s ocean without those sharks? The depopulation of sharks is increasing dramatically due to human impacts. If this continues, it will negatively impact all aspects of ocean life and environment (Ferretti et al, 2010). The depopulation of a creature so high on the aquatic food chain can lead to the overpopulation of other organisms, which causes a domino effect on all creatures i n the ocean. This could either rapidly increase or decrease their population, altering the food chainRead MoreThe Cause Of Loss Of Biodiversity1842 Words  | 8 Pagesbiomass; whereas today, with the exponential growth of humans, overpopulation, and overconsumption, humans and the animals we own (namely livestock) take up around ninety-eight percent of the Earth’s biomass. This increase in population has also shown to be detrimental to not only farm animal health, but also human health. According to the FAO, or Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, â€Å"sixty-six percent of the emerging diseases in humans have animal origins and one or two new diseasesRead MoreThe Human Of Endangered Species1309 Words  | 6 Pagessources credited for the existence on Earth. The environment has provided the human race and Earth with the essentials needed and more for survival. Both living and nonliving things play a role in continuing the constant cycle that keeps e verything maintained and in order. When something as small as a plant or as large as a bear is taken from the cycle of life, there are major effects that occur and bring negative problems. Humans are most likely the ones to blame for endangering these species. But globalRead MoreEssay on Human Population Destroys the Environment: Any Questions?1930 Words  | 8 Pagesresources to survive. In the anecdote by Cohen, the accountant tells the boy that he is able to choose the sum of one plus one which accounts in this case to the limits that humans have on the resources. One plus one in this case is also the ratio of the specific supply of each resource per human being which cannot be accounted for. Humans have the potential to act for themselves in knowing how to balance out their needs. Every person on planet Earth needs space and resources to survive but as the population
Law Enforcement as a Study Research Proposal Example
Essays on Law Enforcement as a Study Research Proposal The paper "Law Enforcement as a Study" is an excellent example of a research proposal on the law. Law enforcement is a study that is meant to help get information based on law. This can be done by lawyers, law enforcement, defense and security sectors among others (University of Surrey, 2014). Law enforcement research design and analysis is a research design that is meant to help the researcher come up with a viable study that will help all the variables be captured and give a response based on the research study. In this case, multi-disciplinary research can be done to bring together engineering physical sciences and technology-based disciplines with the human sciences. In this case, qualitative and quantitative research is catered for (Cohen Arieli, 2011). According to Freshwater, Sherwood Drury (2006), quantitative research is education research that seeks to ask specific questions narrow questions and selects quantifiable data from the respondents. This data is mostly referred to as â€Å"hard†data. This is then analyzed using statistics and in a biased manner, it conducts an inquiry. Examples of data collection methodologies personality measures, performance, content analysis, and questionnaires. Example of the questions used in the study research includes:a) What is the number of staff involved in crime management in the NSIS unit?b) How many individuals are involved in the decision making on crime management?c) How many lawyers took place in the decision-making process?According to Gorard (2013), qualitative research is education research that deals with views of the respondents. This asks general questions, describes and analyses the words and later carries out inquiries in a biased and subjective manner. The example of the data collection methods includes observation, interviews, open-ended questionnaires, focus groups, and content analysis.Examples of qualitative questions include:a) What is the level of education that the field officers have on crime management?b) Who is the person in charge of crime management?
Value of Higher Education free essay sample
Abstract This paper shall argue that despite the costs of a higher education, a college or university education is of great value to every individual. Higher education prepares an individual for the working world through the imparting of specialized knowledge. A Higher education allows individuals to earn more at the end of their degrees, making up for the cost incurred during the pursuit of the degree. College education helps to provide students with critical thinking and communication skills that lasts a lifetime.A higher education helps an individual grow as a person, by exposing them to a wealth of knowledge and resources. College education helps students establish interpersonal networks, which include peers as well as professionals. Higher education teaches students about discipline and hard work, as well as about success and challenges. This paper shall conclude by noting a number of things students can do to get more value from their college or university education and by outlining some of the ways I as a student wish to further my career in accounting by graduating from the University of Phoenix. We will write a custom essay sample on Value of Higher Education or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Value of a Higher Education Higher education requires a considerable investment of time and money, as wall as a considerable lifestyle change. Those entering college or a university must not only be willing to pay tuition cost and school fees, and study for many years to get a degree, they must also arrange the rest of their lives around classes, exams, semesters, and summer breaks. Given the gargantuan effort it requires to secure a higher education, some may reasonably question the value of a college degree. It is well known that many successful and affluent people in our society
Contemporary Issues in Accounting Regulation
Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Issues in Accounting Regulation. Answer: Introduction This study covenants with analyzing the sustainability reporting activities for the Australian-listed company named as Wesfarmers Limited (, 2017). In this particular project, emphasis has been given on considerate the existing state of sustainability reporting as well as various approaches undertaken by Wesfarmers Limited. Wesfarmers Limited is listed in Australian Stock Exchange and occupies the topmost position in terms of revenue. The current segment elucidates bringing out the issues that is faced by Wesfarmers Limited at the time of operating activities. Practices in sustainability reporting has been explained in the segment that will bring out the difference between actual sustainability practices in Australia and the practices adopted by Wesfarmers Limited. In the last segment, focus has been given on understanding the implications of sustainability reporting for the stakeholders at the time of decision-making process. Therefore, the study highlights that the above-mentioned company has made ways for creating value for its potential stakeholders and providing high returns at the same time (Scott, 2015). Current State of Sustainability Reporting At Wesfarmers Limited, they are committed towards generating value for its stockholders, communities and employees for more than a decade now (Rankin et al. 2012). Long-term value creation is the most viable option that plays important role in the communities served by Wesfarmers Limited. Sustainability, in real terms reveals understanding as well as managing ways that impact community and environment that ensure generating value in the future. It is known that world is changing at a faster pace aligning with climatic change as well. Some of the attributes such as augmented weather instability, recurrent weather events as well as higher regular temperature and drier climates widely affect the operational aspects and supply chain for the company, Wesfarmers Limited (McLeay and Riccaboni, 2012). This company had been making ways so that they can manage the risk and deliver significant social as well as environmental as well as economic benefits. Wesfarmers Limited is committed towards minimizing own footprint as well as delivering solutions that guide clienteles and public at the same time (Anton and Firmin, 2013). This company endeavor for continuously improving level of performance as well as public report on progress as mentioned in the annual sustainability report Wesfarmers Limited performance in 2016 Wesfarmers Limited has noted an 11% point growth in the DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Index) for scoring 82 out of 100 (highest score received by Wesfarmers Limited) (Horngren et al. 2013). The DJSI annual review is based upon the analysis for understanding the level of presentation in terms of economic, environmental and social. Wesfarmers Limited is a global leader in attaining sustainability with toughest presentation in areas of health as well as diet. This takes into consideration environment policy, cyber security as well as labor practice and human rights (Garrison et al. 2014). Dow Jones Sustainability Indices In the year 2016, Wesfarmers Limited are proud in progressing in the given areas that are listed below: Wesfarmers Limited entire recordable injury incidence rate was 33.4 that was 15.2% lower as compared to previous year (Feltham and Ohlson, 2015) Wesfarmers Limited worked hard in promoting diversity at workplace with more than 3300 employees considering as indigenous (Evans, 2013) Wesfarmers Limited believes in improving the clearness of supply chain in more than 3200 factories at the time of conducting audit program (Drever et al. 2014) Wesfarmers Limited directly gets support from the clienteles and team members as the public donations exceeds amounting to $ 110 Million (Deegan, 2013) Wesfarmers Limited made ways for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions by more than 2% as it reduced the releases intensity of commercial by 30% by the year 2016 (Cohen et al. 2016) At Wesfarmers Limited, they acknowledge that they can perform better in some of the areas where: Wesfarmers Limited workforce will be made up of 55% as viewed for the year 2016. This will remain as a key occasion for the Group for increasing the fraction of management position occupied by women (Bryant, Kahle and Schafer, 2015) Despite their efforts, Wesfarmers Limited faced continuing reduction in waste as disposed from water use as it is hard in maintaining business activities. This company is trying its best in seeking opportunities for performing the activities in the most appropriate way (Bonner, 2013). Wesfarmers Limited continues in focusing in ethical sourcing that leads to supply chain transparency. This will strengthen the relationships with the suppliers as it will contribute positively in the affected areas (Bhimani, 2015). With a diverse range of autonomous business, it is difficult for Wesfarmers Limited in setting targets for the Group level as it is impractical as well as consistent by using financial metrics for assessing the performance at divisional level (Beaver, 2014). This business sets majorly sets their own internal targets aligning with the operational aspects. The primary complexity of sustainability reporting is to generate sustainability reports that can create the kind of information that augments the overall performance of a business concern (Deegan, 2013). This again directs towards improved commercial outcomes as well as satisfaction of social concerns. However, the board of a corporation as well as investor related issue such as change of climate in addition to reputational concerns can increasingly elevate the significance of sustainability reporting within different corporation (Bonner, 2013). The sustainability report of Wesfarmers reveals the fact that, In spite of immense efforts on generation of sustainability reporting and persistent work for reduction of waste disposal and use of water, the company finds it difficult to maintain and attain growth in business (Bhimani, 2015). In case of Wesfarmers, the organization of Wesfarmers is committed to pre-emptively achieve the entire society in addition to impact of the environment. The business concern Wesfarmers essentially adheres to ten different principles that can be associated to the sustainability problems that can be recognized as the most material facets to the entire group (Beaver, 2014). However, the management relentlessly thrives to deliver a safe workplace for the members of the staff of the organization by enhancement of the dimensions of safety presentation and assume creativities for reduction of injuries. Nevertheless, the evaluation of sustainability reporting of the business concern divulges the fact that further improvements are required for safety performance as well as safety initiative (Deegan, 2013). Practices of sustainability reporting Sustainability reporting practices in Australia are generally designed with input from boardroom and are essentially perused by different mainstream investment researchers. The researchers increasingly identify with the potential influence on long term investment value of a business concern, potent liabilities in addition to common risk profile on environmental, social as well as governance issues (Evans, 2013). The management of Wesfarmers maintains ten important principles that can be linked to the sustainability issues and each segment of the business implements the principles to the business after taking into account particular circumstances of the functional environment. The sustainability report declared by the corporation clearly defines the works for the people, sourcing practices, community, environment, principles of corporate governance (, 2017). Therefore, the report helps in gaining a clear overview of the activities undertaken by the corporation for betterment of the corporate governance, protection of environment and reduction of emissions and waste to landfill as well as use of water. In addition to this, the sustainability reporting prepares and presents a formal declaration regarding the steps undertaken by the corporation for positive contribution to the community and deliverance of safe products, safety initiatives (Feltham and Ohlson, 2015). The sustainability reporting practices refer to proper presentation and announcements of the ways of execution and tracking the service of nurse on call, applications for hazard detection, assessment of the execution as well as performance of specific safety Activity Book and Vol untary program of Injury Care 1300 among many other (, 2017). The report also reflects the fact that the corporation Wesfarmers distributes approximately 59% of the overall wealth for paying-out wages as well as salaries together with different other employee benefits and perks to members of the staff. Furthermore, the corporation Wesfarmers also works for resolving different issues of the workplace and reportage under combined agreements as mentioned in the sustainability reporting. Further, the sustainability reports sheds light on activities undertaken by the company for resolving workplace conflicts along with cultural disagreements for generation of all-encompassing workplace surroundings (Bhimani, 2015). This section of the report therefore stresses on gender diversity, presence of Aboriginals with Torres Strait Islander ( 2017). Evaluation of sustainability reporting of the company Wesfarmers also clearly illustrates the optimistic contribu tion of the corporation towards the society where company functions and compliance with the Australian Consumer Law ( 2017). Implications of Sustainability Reporting for Stakeholders in relation to financial decision making The widespread practice of sustainability reporting help in creation of transparency and assist in efficient functioning of the market. The sustainability reporting indicates towards the soundness of the health of the budget and help in driving the development of the business concern towards a horizontal, maintainable as well as comprehensive rate of growth (Feltham and Ohlson, 2015). Therefore, the sustainability reporting for stakeholders adds value in a number of ways. The sustainability report helps the by generation of trust through creation of transparency as regards non-financial performance. Again, this trust help in reduction of the reputational risk and aids in opening up a free dialogue with the stakeholders namely, the customers, investors along with other members of the community (Deegan, 2013). The company also observes sustainability reporting as a means of driving greater innovation by means of businesses as well as products to generate a competitive edge in the targe t market (McLeay and Riccaboni, 2012). The report leads to augmented processes as well as systems as internal management and processes of decision making can be assessed. This report leads to reductions of cost by computing and monitoring issues related to consumption of energy, use of materials as well as waste. Sustainability reporting also helps in progressing vision as well as strategy that in turn leads to comprehensive evaluation of strengths as well as weaknesses together with engagement with specific stakeholders that is obligatory for sustainability reporting (Bonner, 2013). Thus, this report also lead to robust and wide-ranging visions of the corporation as well as strategies. Essentially, the corporation Wesfarmers also make sustainability a vital part of the organizational policies. In addition to this, the sustainability reporting also helps the stakeholders in providing a suitable measure of sustainability performance that in turn can assist the corporation in meeting the regulatory requirements efficiently (Rankin et al. 2012). Consequently, this helps in averting costly breaches and gathering essential data in a cost effective manner. Again, sustainability reporting helps businesses in gaining competitive edge as this can posit the leaders as well as innovators in a stronger bargaining position at the time of attracting investment, initiation of new actions, penetrating into new markets and negotiating agreements (Scott, 2015). Moreover, the accessibility of sustainability evidence can be utilized by governments to evaluate the impact in addition to role and involvement of businesses to the entire economy. Accordingly, business concerns can make use of sustainability reporting to notify their risk analysis approaches and improve their business. Sustainability reporting is primarily oriented towards communication of different credible and at the same time pertinent information to a wide range of stakeholders that in turn enables the corporation to build the right potential to present timely as well as reliable information. Conclusion: At the end of the study, it is concluded that Wesfarmers Limited has the potential in meeting the needs that best suits their stakeholders for long period. They believe in committing with the stakeholder needs and maintaining long-term value creation at the same time. They are making ways for reducing carbon gas emissions that adversely affect community and environment. 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