Thursday, October 31, 2019
JPMorgan Chase & Co Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
JPMorgan Chase & Co - Essay Example This study shows that a growing number of consumers are depending on their local banks to meet their insurance needs. (Dewett and Chand, 449). The analysis includes a ranking of the top 50 bank holding companies on the basis of the absolute dollar amount of total insurance revenue (earnings from sales and underwriting) and on the basis of total insurance revenue as a percentage of the institutions total noninterest income. (Dewett and Chand, 449). The interest in this market continues to increase, and JP Morgan and Chase continues to reep the benefits. Furthermore, JP Morgan and Chase is growing its customer base through Internet banking. Internet banking is done quickly. Internet technology has changed the social, financial and economic structure of the world by and helped the banking industry improve upon efficiency. The use of microprocessing chips enables a computer to perform several million operations per second. Internet banking is quick and personal. The Internet and electronic commerce are totally transforming the banking and financial services industry by offering convenient services that take very little time to buy. At a single website on the Internet, a customer may be able to access information and manage his finance (Perin). He may not have to visit the brick and mortar bank. With a few clicks of a mouse, the customer may handle his finances on the Internet with speed that is incomparable to the cumbersome process of visiting the bank, meeting people, telling them what he needs, and getting his work done. He may not have to leave his office to go to a bank and especially for a private business, he may even access his Internet bank late at night without waiting for the morning to do his work. Banking on the Internet saves customers time and money (Perin). Internet banking sites offer critical advantages over brick and mortar branches. The convenience of around-the-clock access of the Internet bank from
Monday, October 28, 2019
Critical Review of the Literature of the role that Dietary Factors Play in Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Essay Example for Free
Critical Review of the Literature of the role that Dietary Factors Play in Preventing Type 2 Diabetes Essay Critical Review of the Literature of the role that Dietary Factors Play in Preventing Type 2 Diabetes’ Introduction Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is a rapidly growing international public health issue. It has been reported that 285 million 20–79 year olds had the disease in 2010 worldwide and this is estimated to grow to 439 million by 2030. (19) T2D has been associated with a variety of other health problems such as cardiovascular disease, blindness and shortened life expectancy. (4,40) The prevalence of the disease is associated with obesity and overweight as well as a ‘Western’ dietary pattern and lack of exercise. (17) It has been reported that approximately 80% of people who develop T2D are obese or overweight prior to diagnosis.(8) Diabetes is a preventable disease, (19) with weight loss being identified as one of the most powerful interventions. (4) Diet and physical activity (PA) are effective interventions in attaining this (25) and have also been linked with reduction in risk independently. (40) The primary focus of this paper will look at diet and review the evidence on whether diet alone can help to prevent T2D. As a secondary theme it will also look at the evidence that diet can help to prevent the development of and help to control symptoms after T2D has been diagnosed. 8 papers will reviewed, (26-33) with a purpose of identifying some practical, evidence based dietary guidelines. Dietary guidelines are easier to follow when they indicate specific foods and patterns rather than nutrients and properties of foods and greater compliance can be achieved . (29,31) For this reason the studies reviewed focus on specific foods and diet styles rather than macronutrients and or micronutrients which do not translate into dietary guidelines as easily. Literature Search A literature review using the following databases was carried out; Pubmed, Web of Science, Embase, CINAHL, British Nursing Index and Medline. The following keywords were used in various combinations; Diet, prevention, food, T2D, interventions, dietary, fruit, vegetables, nutrition. Other resources such as ‘Google scholar’ and NHS Choices ‘behind the headlines’ were also utilised. Because T2D is an international issue, papers from around the world were considered. The criteria for inclusion was less than 10 years old, the intervention had to be a specific food group or diet style, measuring new incidents of T2D, or changes is symptoms associated with T2D and adults as the sample group. Diet as a tool to prevent T2D 6 Studies looked at whether diet can prevent T2D. Please refer to Table 1 for details of all the studies. Villegas et al (26) and Bazzano et al (27) looked at fruit, vegetable and fruit juices consumption and fruit and vegetable consumption respectively. Both of the studies used women only in their sample groups, limiting the generalizability of the findings to the wider population. (5) Dietary assessment was achieved through Food Frequency Questionnaires (FFQ) in both studies. Villegas et al (26) provided evidence of their FFQ having been validated, (21) however reported using it only 3 times within a 4.6 year timeframe, questioning the accuracy of their collected data. Bazzano et al (27) data collection was retrospective in that the FFQ was designed in 1984 and followed up at 4 year intervals. The concern with such a dated questionnaire is that it has not accounted for different trends that have occurred over time, affecting the accuracy of the results. Villegas et al (26) confirmed incidence of T2D through subjects meeting the criteria set out by the American Diabetic Association.(2) Bazzano et al (27) used criteria set out by National Diabetes Data Group for all participants up to and including 1997.(16) The Criteria for participants after 1998 was set out by the American Diabetic Association. The reason for this was due to new criteria being published at this time. (2) The main difference being the plasma glucose reading changing from 7.8mmol/l or more to 7.0mmol/l or more. (9) The Criteria Set out by the World Health Organisation in 1985, (24) could have been used to confirm incidence of T2D in the Bazzano et al (27) study . It was published 1 year after baseline data was taken and would have resulted in a higher percentage of participants being diagnosed with the same criteria, increasing consistency and reliability in the results. Villegas et al (26) reported that a higher consumption of vegetables was associated with a reduced risk of T2D. Participants who had a higher vegetable intake were also less likely to smoke and have higher levels of PA, both factors that can reduce the risk of T2D questioning the causality of the reduction in risk. (4) Participants with a higher fruit intake were also less likely to smoke and have higher levels of PA. There was no association made between fruit intake and risk of T2D therefore it is possible to consider that confounders like PA and smoking may not have effected the level of risk to T2D in this study. Bazzano et al (27) reported an inverse association between whole fruit and green leafy vegetable intake. Women who had a higher intake of fruit and vegetables were older, less likely to smoke and more likely to have higher levels of PA. Fruit Juice was positively associated with incidence of T2D which could be due to high sugar content.. (22) Also participants who had the highest fruit juice intake had the lowest levels of PA which is associated with increased risk of T2D. (20)Salas-Salvado et al (28) and Martinez-Gonzalez et al (29) both studied the risk of T2D and adherence to the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet). A MedDiet is characterised by high consumption of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, olive oil, nuts, pulses, fish and reduced consumption of red and processed meats, high fat dairy refined gains and foods high in sugar and starch. (11) Salas-Salvado et al (28) compared adherence to a MedDiet supplemented with either olive oil or nuts with a low fat diet (control group). The supplemented items in the MedDiets were given to participants. Participants in the control group were given non dietary gifts to encourage adherence. There are concerns about the ethics of using incentives and gifts in research. (6)Within this study the use of gifts appears innocuous, the concern lies with how adherence to the diet is reliably measured. When participants are given vital ingredients, this will influence their dietary intake, making it difficult generalize the results. (13) The sample population in this study were older and had at least 3 risk factors relating to cardiovascular disease again making it more difficult to generalise results. Participants were given 7 goals, including; increasing vegetable and fruit consumption, reducing red and processed meat and increasing the consumption of either olive oils or nuts. The control group were asked to reduce all types of fat. Results showed that participants in the MedDiet groups had a greater reduced risk of T2D. Risk was reduced by 51% in the olive oil group and 52% in the nut group. These findings are backed up by other studies. (38-39) Diabetes incidence was lower in those who attained ≠¥ 4 of the 7 goals. PA levels and changes in weight did not differ through all 3 groups, although the participants in the both the MedDiet groups were associated with higher levels of PA. This study was carried out on Spanish participants, who traditionally follow a MedDiet. The control group may have had a strong adherence to a MedDiet naturally, which could impact on the reliability of the results. Martinez-Gonzalez et al (29) used participants who were nurses and university graduates. Prevalence in T2D is associated with lower socioeconomic status, (1) so by using the participants from a higher socioeconomic group may bias the findings. (13) Participants were not excluded if they had Diabetes at baseline. Data was collected via FFQ which consisted of 136 items with 9 responses ranging from never to more than 6 times a day. Points were allocated to determine a score indicating level of adherence. Questions covered areas such as cooking methods, supplements and fats and oils. This FFQ goes into a lot of detail to obtain the most information it can about participants diets, increasing the validity of the data. However reliability is compromised as participants are asked to recall food intake from the previous year decreasing the accuracy of data collected. (5) The results indicated a significant reduction in risk of developing T2D in those who with strong adherence to the MedDiet after adjustment for age and sex. Participants with a score of ≠¥ 6 had an 83% reduction. Although participants in this group had the highest levels of physical activity, which is a known factor in decreasing the risk of T2D, they also had a higher baseline prevalence for increased risk factors for Diabetes such as age higher BMI and higher blood pressure. This adds weight to the findings the MedDiet can reduce the risk of developing T2D. Fung et al (30) and VanDam et al (31) looked at more generalised dietary patterns. VanDam et al (31) used a 131 item FFQ specifying specific foods, portion sizes and frequency of intake. Over a space of 12 years data on food intake was collected 3 times. In order to make these results more reliable data collection should have occurred more frequently. The participants were all male health professionals making the sample group quite specific reducing the ability to generalise the findings to the wider population. (13) Foods were classified into groups based on nutritional profiles. Factor analysis was then applied in order to identify food patterns. Two dietary patterns were identified Prudent and Western. Prudent was characterised by high consumption of vegetables, fish and whole grains and Western by high consumption of red and processed meat, high-fat dairy and eggs. Men with higher Western patterns were younger, more likely to smoke and did less PA. Men with higher Prudent diet patterns were older less likely to smoke and engaged in more PA. The Prudent diet was associated with a modest reduction in risk in developing T2D with wholegrain foods having the highest inverse association. Fruit and vegetables were not considerably associated with reduced risk. The Western diet was associated with considerably higher risk of developing T2D. Processed meat, other processed foods and refined grains indicating the most significant association. This could indicate that cutting out specific foods could me more beneficial in reducing the risk of T2D than increasing intake of other foods. Fung et al (30) used participants from the Nurses Health Study which was established in 1976. This is the same study from which Bazzano et al (27) took their participants. The same FFQ was used in this study with baseline also being the 1984 FFQ as this was the expanded 116 item version. The information obtained was then used and classified in the same way as the VanDam et al (31) study producing the same Prudent and Western dietary patterns. The results from this study focus mainly on the Western diet pattern. Similarly to the men in the VanDam et al (31) study, women who scored high in the Western diet pattern were more likely to smoke. The results also mirrored that of the VanDam et al (31) study in that it reported an increased risk of developing T2D and a Western diet pattern. This study investigated the characteristics of the Western dietary pattern further and found positive associations between red and processed meats and the development of T2D. This could also add weight to the previous comment that cutting out specific foods, such as red and processed meats could be more beneficial than adding other food groups in preventing T2D. A replica study using the same FFQ and Prudent and Western diet pattern and using a sample group that consisted of both men and women could add strength to the finds of both of these studies.(5) Diet as a tool in preventing the development of and giving greater control over the symptoms of T2D Elhayany et al (32) compared a low carbohydrate Mediterranean diet (LCM) a traditional Mediterranean diet (TM) and the 2003 American Diabetic Association diet (ADA) on health parameters. Glycemic control for people with T2D diagnosis was one of the outcome measures. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of the 3 groups, given recommendations for daily intake on nutritional elements such as calories and protein and advised to engage in 30-45 minutes of PA a week. The LCM and TM diets included only low glycemic index carbohydrates, with LCM having a lower %. The TM and ADA diets had the same % of carbohydrates but the ADA also included mixed glycemic index carbohydrates. FFQ were used asking the participants to recall the last 24hour food intake. It is felt this data will be more accurate than those studies asking participants to recall food intake from the previous year, making results more reliable. Data was collected 3 times over a 12 month period. Results showed all groups had reduced weight and BMI with no significant difference. All 3 dietary interventions reduced factors that increase glycemic control such as HbA1c and triglyceride levels. The LCM diet was the most effective in increasing glycemic control. Esposito et al (33) compared a LCM and a low fat calorie restricted diet (LFD) on glycemic control and the delay on needing to commence antihyperglycemic medication in people newly diagnosed with T2D. The LCM diet was rich in fruit vegetables and whole grains and low in red meat. There was also a requirement that no more than 50% of calories was from carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates rather than low GI carbohydrates were stipulated. Some complex carbohydrates can have high GI levels, which are associated with increased risk of Diabetes. (10) The LFD was based on American Heart Association guidelines. (12) Participants were randomized into 1 of 2 groups asked to keep food diaries and given guidelines on increasing physical activity. Data was collected through reviews of the diary. Food diaries could provide more reliable information than FFQ if they are filled out daily. There is still a risk that they could be filled out inaccurately, and that participants may modifies their intake as a result of keeping a diary. The study reported that both groups lost weight, but reduction was greater in the LCM. Overall there was a significant difference in the need to commence antihyperglycemic medication between the LCM and the LFD; 44% and 70% respectively. Potentially this result could have shown more significance if low GI carbohydrates were stipulated instead of complex carbohydrates. Discussion The findings coming out of this review indicate that certain dietary interventions maybe helpful in reducing the risk of developing T2D and may also help with glycemic control after diagnosis.(26-33) Some food groups and dietary patterns provide more consistent evidence than others. The results regarding fruit intake and risk of T2D are inconsistent within this review with Villegas et al (26) reporting no association between fruit and risk reduction, where as Bazzano et al (27) did. High consumption of fruit and vegetables are a major component in the Mediterranean diet and the Prudent dietary pattern, both of which were associated with an inverse association. Vegetables are more consistently associated with a reduced risk, in this review and a recent meta-analysis, (3) particularly green leafy vegetables. (27) More research studying the effects of fruit and vegetables separately is needed. This inconsistency is reflected in other studies and systematic reviews. (7) High intake of fr uit and vegetables has often been associated with higher PA levels within this review, (26-29,31) which is a risk reducing factor in itself. Part of the problem could be that many studies that look at dietary interventions are prospective cohort studies and although they can provide an association they can not prove whether the cause is due to the dietary item or another factor such as PA or weight loss. More experimental designed research is needed so that a direct cause between diet and the reduction of T2D can be established. (13) While it is unclear the exact role that fruit and vegetables play in reducing the risk of T2D there is an abundance of evidence that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables is beneficial in overall health (34-35) and weight reduction, (23) so including them as part of a healthy diet may indirectly help to reduce the risk of T2D. Red and processed meat has been more consistent in its positive association to developing T2D. Fung et al (28) and VanDam et al (29) found strong associations between consumption and increased risk of T2D. One of the characteristics of The Mediterranean diet is the absence or reduction of red and processed meats, and this diet has been associated with reduced risk. These findings were backed up in a recent meta-analysis paper (18) studying 3 cohorts whos conclusion suggests that red meat consumption, particularly processed red meat is linked to higher risk of developing T2D. Meta-analysis produces level 1 evidence, providing increased confidence in the conclusions and good grounding for providing evidence based information such as dietary guidelines.(13) Diets high in red and processed meats are linked to high cholesterol (14) which is one of the leading causes of death in people with T2D (15) and other serious health conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. (36) So while increasing fruit and vegetable intake may have a more beneficial and holistic effect on health, the same could be said for reducing the intake of red and processed. Salas-Salvado et al (28) produced higher level evidence being a randomised control trial giving more weight to their findings;(5) following a MedDiet can reduce the risk of T2D. One of the studies that looked at the effect of diet after diagnosis, (32) was also a randomised control trial providing the same level of evidence and weight to their findings that LCM can delay the need for hyperglycaemic medication therefore having a positive beneficial effect on T2D. Although these two studies looked at the effect of diet after diagnosis it could be reasonable to suggest that following the dietary patterns associated with these findings, prior to diagnosis could help prevent T2D as they are similar dietary patterns to two of the other studies.(28-29) While the findings from this review indicate that making changes to ones diet may help to reduce the risk of Diabetes occurring, it also suggests that implementing the same kind of dietary changes may help with glucose control after Diabetes has been diagnosed, preventing the further development of the disease and the need for antihyperglycemic medication. (32-33) One study has implied that dietary changes in the form of energy restriction can actually reverse beta cell failure and insulin resistance, symptoms found in T2D. (37) It is a very small study and the dietary intervention is severe energy restriction making it difficult to generalise to the wider population, but it is a controlled study and could provide interesting findings that further research could be built upon, that dietary interventions may be able to reverse the symptoms of T2D. Collating this information together it seems reasonable to suggest that making positive changes to dietary habits could have benefits pre and post T2D diagnosis. Dietary Guidelines The findings from the 8 studies in this review can not all be discussed in detail due to word limitation. However recurring themes seem to be occurring, providing information on which to base a set of guidelines. Going by these findings the following guidelines are recommended: Reduce intake of red meat and processed meat (all colours) Substitute these with white meats and fish Reduce intake of other processed foods Reduce intake of refined grains Reduce intake of high sugar foods and drinks including fruit juices Carbohydrate intake should be based on items with a low GI score Increase intake of olive oil Increase nut intake Increase intake of pulses Increase wholegrain intake Increase vegetable intake especially green leafy vegetables Increase fruit intake A Mediterranean style diet is characterised by much of this advise and is therefore a recommended diet style to follow. Conclusion The prevalence of T2D is growing around the world. It has been associated with many other health problems and reduces quality of life and life expectancy. It is a preventable disease and diet is one of the ways in which this disease can be combated. Dietary guidelines have been recommended from the findings of this review, based on following a Mediterranean diet, reducing intake of red and processed meats and other processed foods and increasing intake of foods such as fruit and vegetables, wholegrains and olive oils and nuts. While it has been acknowledged that more research needs to be carried out to further examine the cause and effect between diet and T2D, it is reasonable to suggest that one may find these dietary changes beneficial in helping to reduce the risk of T2D and other areas of health, possibly helping to indirectly reduce risk of T2D. It is also reasonable to suggest that a change in diet may bring beneficial changes once diagnosis has been given. Table 1 Reference list 1. Agardh E, Allenbeck P, Hallqvist J, Moadi T and Sidorchuk A. Type 2 Diabetes and Socioeconomic Position: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2011: 40(3) 804-818 2. 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Saturday, October 26, 2019
One Is Not Born A Woman
One Is Not Born A Woman A single, short expression that poses the central feminist question about sex difference is the following: Mamas baby, papas maybe. Biology has granted women a right to genetic parenthood that no man is privileged to share. However, this expression is subject to inversion in the text, The Color Purple, which I have chosen to discuss in the light of womanism rather than feminism because the former is more inclusive than the latter. Moreover, the traditional concept of man- woman relationship/ dependency physically and ideologically is put to severe blow by Monique Wittigs concept of lesbianism in her controversial yet most famous essay, One is not born a woman. This paper aims to show the bonding between Celie and Shug through the theories put forward by Wittig. The meaning of love, companionship and sexual pleasure finds an altered form in the chosen text and proves that woman does not need a man to complete her. Keywords: intertextuality, womanism, black identity PAPER Monique Wittig is a well-known French feminist writer. In 1992, The Straight Mind and Other Essays, a compilation of essays on a variety of feminist and lesbian issues, stormed the world with its declaration of lesbians as opposed to the category of woman. The result was a book of nine essays in which she outlines her position on such issues as the category of sex, the heterosexism inherent in language and the social contract. It cajoles one to think about ones natural assumptions about gender and sexuality. According to Wittigs preface, the first half of the collection is concerned with materialist lesbianism in which she describes heterosexuality not as an institution but as a political regime which rests on the submission and the appropriation of women (p. xiii). In One Is Not Born a Woman, one of the essays in the book that I have chosen to read, is an attempt to establish a link between women fighting for women as a class, against the idea of woman as an essentialist concept. Wittig being a contemporary proponent of feminist and gay/lesbian rights, takes constructionist viewpoints of the likes of Simone de Beauvoir, that One is not born a woman, but becomes a woman. No biological, psychological, or economic fate determines the figure that the human female presents in society: it is civilization as a whole that produces this creature, intermediate between male and eunuch, which is described as feminine. (p.1) The advantage of womanism as a theory is that it, unlike the feminist movement, brings to bear upon the woman question more than a white womans perspective in its effort at ridding the society of sexual inequality (Aldridge 127). Womanism also acknowledges the existence of the male counterpart, seeing him as an equal victim with the woman. However, it is pertinent to mention here that black women were victimized thrice in terms of racism, sexism, and economic exploitation though the womanists combat the question of racism first before the gender issue. The emphasis varies from female- empowerment to race-empowerment and Womens Liberation Movement to Black Freedom Movement (Aldridge 133, 135). Toni Cade in her 1970 anthology The Black Woman elaborates: [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦] Over the years, things have sort of been cooled out. But I have yet to hear a coolheaded analysis of just what any particular groups stand is on the question. Invariably, I hear from some dude that Black women must be supportive and patient so that Black men can regain their manhood. The notion of womanhood they argue and only if pressed to address themselves to the notion do they think of it or argue- is dependent on his defining his manhood (Cade). The categories of sex (woman and man) essentially appropriates that one having capacity to give birth (biologically) is a woman and that it is the only creative act that determines her existence and her identity proclaiming her naturalized slavery to man as master/ oppressor. Wittig defines woman in terms of her relationship with man which takes the form of a forced residence, domestic corvee, conjugal duties, unlimited production of children etc. This applies to Celie, the protagonist of Walkers The Color Purple who contents herself with a purposeless life and is oblivious of the orgasmic pleasure until she meets Shug Avery. Essentially the patriarchal society, as Wittig asserts, strengthens the form of oppression through imaginary formation of physical features. A black is perceived as a black, therefore, s/he is a black; similarly, a woman is perceived or seen as a woman, therefore she is a woman. However, it is not because she is born that way, but because she is made to be so. Walker swept the world with her crude yet realistic portrayal of strong women characters and equally repulsive men characters in her Pulitzer winning novel, The Color Purple. Her clarion call for Black Womanism had just begun. She could not accept the idea of the White feminism speaking for women of color because she correctly witnessed the alienation of the black experience and further marginalization of texts by black feminists in the mainstream academic tradition. Her ideology of womanism first appeared in her book In Search of Our Mothers Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983), in which she attributes the words origin to the black folk expression of mothers to female children, You acting womanish, i.e. like a woman à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ usually referring to outrageous, audacious, courageous, or willful behavior à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [A womanist is also] a woman who loves other women sexually and/or nonsexually appreciates and prefers womens culture, womens emotional flexibility (values tears as natural counterbalance of laughter), and womens strength. Sometimes loves individual men, sexually and/or non-sexually. Committed to survival and wholeness of entire people, male and female. Not a separatist, except periodically, for health. Traditionally universalistà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Loves music. Loves dance. Loves the moon. Loves the Spirit. Loves love and food and roundness. Loves struggle. Loves the Folk. Loves herself. Regardless. And Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender. (p. xi-xii) Feminism as a movement is exclusively for women and has as its agenda the repudiation of male hegemony. The meaning of female denotes the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes. Thus, biology can use the term female rather than girl and woman. Femininity, on the other hand, is a group of traits that have culturally become associated with women, but they do not make a woman. The patriarchy views woman as an incomplete man, the second sex, the other. But in refusing to become a woman does not imply that one adorns the role of a man since as Wittig puts it- For becoming a man would demand from a woman not only a mans external appearance but his consciousness as wellà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ one feature of lesbian oppression consists precisely of making women out of reach for us, since women belong to men. Thus a lesbian has to be something else, a not-woman, a not-man, a product of society, not a product of nature, for there is no nature in society. (p.4) She elaborates her argument further asserting that- The refusal to become (or to remain) heterosexual always meant to refuse to become a man or a woman, consciously or not. For a lesbian this goes further than the refusal of the role woman. It is the refusal of the economic, ideological, and political power of man. (p.4 ) The term gender was coined by Greek philosopher, Protagoras. Greek nouns were divided into three different classes which attributed its existence to a word meaning class or kind- masculine, feminine, and neuter (Cameron, p.89). The masculine, Jakob Grimm, a German philologist explained, means the earlier, larger, firmer, more inflexible, swift, active, mobile, productive; the feminine the later, smaller, smoother, the more still, suffering, receptive (Cameron, p.92). However, the category of woman is neither biological nor grammatical. It is a cultural construct. Womanism, on the other hand, considers the society as a collective whole and acknowledges the inter-linked fate of the black women with their men in the community. Rather than supporting separatism, Womanism promotes universalism. Womanism, like Black Feminism, provides a space for Black women and women of color to create dialogue in a non-dominative and a non-threatening environment. Womanism is not a new idea by any means; in fact there is evidence of its origins in the sacred texts of ancient Africa, especially the Husia of Egypt and the Odu Ifa of ancient Yorubaland. Concepts from the Husia such as the Divine inclusiveness of male and female principles, woman and man as the image of God and the concept of human customarily written with male and female characters in hieroglyphs indicate the belief that woman and man were equal by nature and divinely and must operate as such (Karenga 324). Wittig thus, busts the myth of woman (created by men) by questioning and agreeing to Beauvoir, that the concept of woman is wonderful, underlining women having the best of features is a judgment men have compartmentalized according to their own perception. To save one self being entrapped in such a purview is the aim of the lesbian- feminists who strive for a sexless society. In this light then the concerns of feminism too is subjected to scrutiny. Feminism contains the word femme meaning woman, fighting for women as a class or, the removal of this class. If it is so, then the movement took precedence from the acceptance of the notion that women shared common features as a result of oppression; But for them these features were natural and biological rather than social. Wittig takes upon her the daunting task of establishing the idea of lesbians as opposed to the class of woman/man in materialist terms. It does not imply that men as species should be led to extinction but to suppress men as a class through political struggle. Once this category of class disappears, says Wittig, the natural and historical division between man and woman too will vanish, for there are no slaves without masters. The political formation of class can be traced back to the ideology of Marxism which states individuals to be product of society, and that only their consciousness can be alienated not the individual herself/ himself until the class that dominates ceases to produce the ideas itself that alienates them from the class that they oppress. For instance in order to achieve a sexless society, the visible division between the bourgeois and the proletariat has to be removed first and then only can there be no-man and no-woman, but all humans society. As Wittig puts- This real necessity for everyone to exist as an individual, as well as a member of a class, is perhaps the first condition for the accomplishment of a revolution, without which there can be no real fight or transformation. But the opposite is also true; without class and class consciousness there are no real subjects, only alienated individuals.(p.10) Thus, lesbianism is the only concept that provides for a chance to create such a social form where humankind can live freely. Celies realization of herself as a woman capable of living independently without the necessity of a man in her life, springs from the unconditional love she receives from Shug Avery, another woman for The Color Purple establishes itself as a story of women by a woman. It moves away from the categories of woman and man because a lesbian is neither a man nor a woman, either economically, or politically, or ideologically. Here, Wittigs text offers some positive contributions to feminist and queer theory, in particular her deconstruction of the term woman and her focus on the power of language. As she clarifies- There is no possible fight for someone deprived of an identity, no internal motivation for fighting, since, although I can fight only with others, first I fight for myself. (p.7) In the The Color Purple the women are doubly marginalized, first as a black, seen as the other by the white, and, secondly, as a subordinate group by the men. Celie is so used to the oppression by the men around her that when her step- son Harpo complains of his wifes disobedience to him, she advises him to beat her: an alternative for her does not exist. Nettie, on the other hand, refuses to give in to the whims and fancies of the male order. She fights and carves an identity and life for her with her marriage to Samuel, a missionary. It is Shug Avery, a Blues singer, who reveals to Celie the value of independence and the assertion of a womans identity. Through the conversations and the relationship thus enforced between Shug and Celie, one can find clinching evidence of subversive textuality wherein the traditional text is undermined and hetereosexuality is challenged. The realization brings about a metamorphosis in Celie. She forgives the men in her life who viewed her as nothing more than a mule of the world. She emerges like the autobiographical Walker as a butterfly whose fiercely strong willpower makes the society and world at large celebrate her identity and individuality. As Toni Morrison maintains in Beloved, Definitions belong to the definers not the defined. Self naming and self defining is crucial. (Morrison 1987). So too, womanists like Alice Walker, Toni Morrison, Patricia Hills Collins, Clenora Hudson- Weems assert authoritatively their political identity to the world, amidst the frequent conflation with the Black Feminists.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
barn burning :: essays research papers
Barn Burning As "Barn Burning" opens, an adolescent boy named Sartoris Snopes is in court, hoping he will not have to testify in the arson case against his father -- a charge of which Sarty knows Mr. Snopes is absolutely guilty. The judge, whom Sarty perceives as kindly, is nonetheless Sarty’s enemy because he is his father’s enemy, and Sarty has not yet separated himself from his father. Sarty’s family are itinerant farmers, but they move around even more often than is typical because of his father’s habit of burning something down every time he gets angry. Sarty realizes that there is something deeply psychologically wrong with his father, but he underestimates his father’s danger. When they arrive at the beautiful plantation of Major de Spain, therefore, Sarty feels the de Spains are safe: "People whose lives are a part of this peace and dignity are behind his touch, he no more to them than a buzzing wasp: capable of stinging for a little moment but that’s all; the spell of this peace and dignity rendering even the barns and stable and cribs which belong to it impervious to the puny flames he might contrive." Sarty does not know that his father can just as easily bring down a big plantation as a cow barn. It would be easy to say that Sartoris, in the end, must make a choice between right and wrong, between the "peace and dignity" represented by the de Spains with the squalor and misery of the Snopes family, but it is more than that. At the story’s beginning, when Sarty was ready to testify that his father did not burn down that barn, he would have done it because a son’s job is to stick to his father. At the story’s end, he warns Major de Spain that his father is about to burn down his beautiful plantation, even though he knows that this will bring his family down once and for all, even though he knows that this means he will never be able to go
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Bankruptcy in the United States Essay
The paradox set up between the words â€Å"pleasure†and â€Å"burn†shows something unusual about the characterization of the speakerâ€â€that maybe he is a paradox himself and is at odds with what is thought of as normal. Who the speaker is has not been revealed yet, so the reader is allowed to form opinions about his character before meeting the fireman. Further into the book, Montag no longer finds a pleasure, and he runs from his job as a fireman. Finally, the feeling of fire as a pleasure returns when he realizes fire can be used for warmth and comfort rather than for destruction. Diction used (burn, eaten, blackened, changed) creates a fearful mood and an ominous tone from the beginning. Chapter 1 Mood â€Å"His lips quivered and the spectacles were dimmed with mistâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"’we may stay here till we die†’ with that word the heat seemed to increase till it became a threatening weight and the lagoon attacked them with a blinding effulgence â€Å" This mood conducts an emotion time to where the boys just came to their senses that they might not make it out of there. Nobody knows they are there so they realized that they have to fight to make their way out. Later on they realized that the have to find or at least try to find others that may still be on the island. A foreshadow of this might be â€Å"we may stay here till we die†because since they are all children from 6-12 they may not make it out of the island Imagery â€Å"The silence was so complete that they could hear the unevenness of piggy’s breathing. The sun slanted in and lay golden over half the platform. The breeze that on the lagoon had chased their tails like kittens wee finding their way across the platform and into the forest. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"‘So we may be here a long time†’ This quote shows that after finding more people they all came to realization that would be there a long time because nobody knows where they are. The boys went silent as they realized what was actually happening. This quote emphasized the awkward silence as they all processed through their heads that they all may not either make it or go home. This symbolized imagery because I could really picture the surroundings and feel how quiet it must have been. Theme â€Å"I agree with ralph. We’ve got to have rules and obey them. After all we’re not savages. We’re English and English are the best at everything. So we’ve got to do the right things†This is in first person This part of the chapter identifies that start of them striving to do the right things. They weren’t working together so now they are forming themselves into groups, etc. to hold themselves together. The mood of this is determination because to me it seems that these boys are finally finding out to feel what its like to be on your own so they have to stick together in order to live. Civilization vs Savagery Chapter 3 Tone â€Å"Everyone’s keeps running off. You remember the meeting? How everyone was going to work hard until the shelters were finished? †This passage is showing how they went to fun to serious. Because there are a lot of younger kids in the group it is harder for everyone to concentrate for long amount of times. Causing things to fall apart and now people are getting mad and stressed. This creates a tone of seriousness even though the boys/chiefs are only 12 Chapter 3 Mood â€Å"They looked at each other, baffled, in love and hate. All the warm slat water of the bathing pool and the shouting and splashing and laughing were only just sufficient to bring them together again†This passage shows that all it takes is a little fun to realize that everything is okay. The pass few pages were full of everyone just stressing out and fighting and once they began to let loose and have fun ralph and jack realized that it was okay it brought them together again. The mood is relieved and a feeling of happiness â€Å"There was a ship. Out there, You said you’d keep the fire going and you let it out! †The boys are eager to go home but with the choir out hunting the fire had gone out and the ship had passed them because their signal (fire) burned out. Ralph then became violent and angry and yelled at jack creating a mood of intimidation and anger. HE then released all the stress that had been built up and took it out on the gang.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Fall Of The Republic
Roman Republic’s Demise The Roman republic was a system of government, which gave most of its power to their officials and the senate. The senate was composed of aristocrats who generally ran the government with the approval of the consuls, 2 officials who held president-like positions and were voted in by the senate for a one-year term. Under the consuls were the financial officers called quaestors. Next in power would be the preators, who were in charge of military campaigns, and were elected in for one year, but were allowed an extended stay in office during times of war. Next, under the preators where the censors, who’s position was to classify the wealth and tax status of the population. Though this duty was originally the consuls’, it was handed down to the censors. However, because the republic was run by the aristocratic senate and government officials, the plebeians, or peasants, could not productively participate in their government. This caused the republic to be chaotic, and often violent between the aristocracy and the lower class population. So since the republics inception in 509 B.C. to its demise with the accession of Octavian as Augustus Caesar, in 27B.C. the republic was often in turmoil. As Octavian rose as a figure of power, he saw the benefits of a republic, but also the chaos, and was determined to find a better path of rule. After becoming a consul, he preached to restore the republic to glory, yet being deceptus, or sly, he secretly plots to form the government into a monarchy. Octavian then formed a new senate, which was composed of members who he personally appointed. He then bestowed upon the senate his power, which he fully expected them to return. As he had expected, the senate humbly returned his favor, giving him even more supremacy then he had started with. After receiving this abundant amount of authority the senate named him Augustus Caesar, or leader king. Though the governme... Free Essays on Fall Of The Republic Free Essays on Fall Of The Republic Roman Republic’s Demise The Roman republic was a system of government, which gave most of its power to their officials and the senate. The senate was composed of aristocrats who generally ran the government with the approval of the consuls, 2 officials who held president-like positions and were voted in by the senate for a one-year term. Under the consuls were the financial officers called quaestors. Next in power would be the preators, who were in charge of military campaigns, and were elected in for one year, but were allowed an extended stay in office during times of war. Next, under the preators where the censors, who’s position was to classify the wealth and tax status of the population. Though this duty was originally the consuls’, it was handed down to the censors. However, because the republic was run by the aristocratic senate and government officials, the plebeians, or peasants, could not productively participate in their government. This caused the republic to be chaotic, and often violent between the aristocracy and the lower class population. So since the republics inception in 509 B.C. to its demise with the accession of Octavian as Augustus Caesar, in 27B.C. the republic was often in turmoil. As Octavian rose as a figure of power, he saw the benefits of a republic, but also the chaos, and was determined to find a better path of rule. After becoming a consul, he preached to restore the republic to glory, yet being deceptus, or sly, he secretly plots to form the government into a monarchy. Octavian then formed a new senate, which was composed of members who he personally appointed. He then bestowed upon the senate his power, which he fully expected them to return. As he had expected, the senate humbly returned his favor, giving him even more supremacy then he had started with. After receiving this abundant amount of authority the senate named him Augustus Caesar, or leader king. Though the governme...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Writing to Parents Around the World
Writing to Parents Around the World Families around the world, whether they are in New York City, London, or Mumbai, look to parenting magazines for tips on everything from discipline to fun events. As a freelancer, these publications offer numerous opportunities to earn extra income and expand your audience. Writing for parenting magazines outside the United States is similar to writing for American publications, but with a few caveats. This article shows you what to keep in mind. First of all, where can you find these markets? Start with a Google search. Type keywords such as parenting magazines, as well as whatever country youre interested in working in. Stick to publications that publish in a language youre proficient in. Im a monolingual English speaker, so I prefer to deal with publications in that language. One problem with dealing with publications that dont speak your language is that the barrier can lead to miscommunication. When youre negotiating a contract, you dont want a publication that doesnt understand English-language terms such as kill fee and pays on acceptance. Once you find a publication you want to work for, study the website, paying special attention to the list of editors. Many magazine websites have the email addresses of editors. Whenever possible, approach the managing or associate editor with your pitch. The larger magazines list editors on their websites, but some smaller publications only have a general email address or contact form. In this case, contact the publication at the general address and inquire about which editor accepts article queries. Be willing to wait a couple of days for a response. In some cases, you might have to make an international call to verify editor information. Find the phone number on the publication website. Use to find the local time. Always call your publication during its business hours, even if its a seven or eight-hour difference from your location. After you find the appropriate editor for your pitch, start writing your article proposal. Remember one thing though – youre writing not to fellow Americans, but to cultures with different biases and expectations. Being culturally insensitive is the fastest way to kill your potential assignment before its born. Some countries are very conservative when it comes to gender roles, while other countries frown on articles that glorify violence. In other words, your article on sex education may fly in Western Europe but not in the Middle East. Your nostalgic piece on cap guns may not be acceptable in a country with strict gun-control laws. One good site to get an overview on cultural etiquette is This website was originally meant for American diplomats in foreign countries, but its also good for tourists in general and writers. It takes some special skills to crack international parenting markets. But in the end, the extra work brings in a higher income and a larger audience for your work. Here are five international parenting publications for American freelance writers: Country: Canada Website: Editor: Janice Biehn Email: The Green Parent Country: United Kingdom Website: Editor: Melissa Corkhill Email: Absolutely Mama Country: United Kingdom Website: Editor: Helen Baron Email: Mother, Ba Country: United Arab Emirates Website: www.motherba Print edition editor: Dina Maaty Email: Online editor: Emma Hodgson Email: Essential Ba Country: Australia Website: www.essentialba Editor: Melanie Mahoney Email:
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Free Essays on Teen Websites
Searching for websites that are appropriate for teenagers can be difficult in today’s society. Targeting their interests while still encouraging academic, social, and intellectual growth can be a very difficult task. Unfortunately, many websites that are available currently to teens have given up on the latter half of this mission, and instead provide shallow opinions and superficial advice that ends up corrupting instead of improving. Some of the websites that target teenage girls are particularly influential. In trying to find teen-appropriate websites, I located three sites suggested by a â€Å"Teens Only†link site. All three turned out to be websites promoting popular teenage magazines; specifically, Seventeen, YM, and Teen People. During the tender teenage years, girls already have enough problems trying to distort their physical images to match those presented by the critical media. Certain TV stations such as MTV constantly brainwash teenagers into believing that in order to be â€Å"cool†and â€Å"accepted†, you must fit a stereotypical image that usually involves a stick-thin figure, impeccable make-up skills, and phenomenal abilities on the dance floor. Of course, the proper attire is crucial as well; the wrong clothes can be the equivalent of social death, according to the ideas presented by the media. The websites for the three magazines that supposedly are appropriate for teens promoted the same shallow values. Each home page showed at least one of the covers of their particular magazine, and each cover had a ridiculously thin supermodel baring her golden, flawless skin to the world, with no apparent qualms. These models are also portrayed to be always smiling, care-free, and beautiful, never laden with the problems that plague everyday people. Inside the magazine, more beautiful people beckon from alluring ads that suggest that a certain beauty product can produce a supermodel with only one simple applicat... Free Essays on Teen Websites Free Essays on Teen Websites Searching for websites that are appropriate for teenagers can be difficult in today’s society. Targeting their interests while still encouraging academic, social, and intellectual growth can be a very difficult task. Unfortunately, many websites that are available currently to teens have given up on the latter half of this mission, and instead provide shallow opinions and superficial advice that ends up corrupting instead of improving. Some of the websites that target teenage girls are particularly influential. In trying to find teen-appropriate websites, I located three sites suggested by a â€Å"Teens Only†link site. All three turned out to be websites promoting popular teenage magazines; specifically, Seventeen, YM, and Teen People. During the tender teenage years, girls already have enough problems trying to distort their physical images to match those presented by the critical media. Certain TV stations such as MTV constantly brainwash teenagers into believing that in order to be â€Å"cool†and â€Å"accepted†, you must fit a stereotypical image that usually involves a stick-thin figure, impeccable make-up skills, and phenomenal abilities on the dance floor. Of course, the proper attire is crucial as well; the wrong clothes can be the equivalent of social death, according to the ideas presented by the media. The websites for the three magazines that supposedly are appropriate for teens promoted the same shallow values. Each home page showed at least one of the covers of their particular magazine, and each cover had a ridiculously thin supermodel baring her golden, flawless skin to the world, with no apparent qualms. These models are also portrayed to be always smiling, care-free, and beautiful, never laden with the problems that plague everyday people. Inside the magazine, more beautiful people beckon from alluring ads that suggest that a certain beauty product can produce a supermodel with only one simple applicat...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Human Trafficking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Human Trafficking - Essay Example They are forced to work at factories, farm lands, as domestic servants and even beggars. These labours are physically and sexually exploited. Migrants, economically disadvantaged people, disillusioned teenagers, and drug addicts, abducted and abandoned children fall in trap of these traffickers and are forced into sex trade. The victims of this abuse suffer psychologically and physically .After they are rescued it becomes really difficult for them to begin life afresh. They carry trauma associated with this abuse throughout their life .It is not easy for them to regain social acceptance .The children rescued from traffickers suffer depression, anxiety attacks and psychological disorders and most of them grow up into adults with criminal tendency. Women rescued suffer with various sexually transmitted diseases, other untreated medical problems and lasting threat against self and family, or even death. In many countries, the trafficking industry is a very well organised market with som etimes top officials and politicians also involved .This gives traffickers a chance to fend them from law and continue their business.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Strategic planning (TESCO) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Strategic planning (TESCO) - Case Study Example The very core purpose of any business, besides sustenance and profitability, happens to create and keep adding value for the customers. A supermarket chain in particular needs to take into account the changing needs and requirements of the customers, depending upon the changing environment, food habits, time management, availability of alternates in the market, increasing awareness about environmentally friendly goods and services etc. This way they can earn the loyalty of the customer while successfully attracting more customers. Tesco's mission statement1 says, "Our core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty." value creation for the customer proves to be a competitive weapon to retain the customer.Retail Business requires managing a broad range of retail skills in the areas of customer sales and service, promotion & advertising, store layout, visual merchandising, economics & accounting, marketing, buying from suppliers, inventory control, and huma n resource management. The mission and objective statement must encompass all such fields and activities. Tesco has a long term strategy for growth, based on four key parts:1.3 Principle activities and Products: Tesco, the super-market chain is in the business of retailing for nearly 90 years now. It is UK's largest retailer, having around 1800 stores in UK alone and more than 2300 stores worldwide, with group sales crossing m 37,070 worldwide at the end of financial year 2005. An international retailer of food, non-food and retailing services, Tesco currently operates in the China, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Japan, Malaysia, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Slovakia, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and the UK. 1.4 Short History: It was in the year 1919 that Jack Cohen founded Tesco, when he began to sell surplus groceries from a stall in the East End of London. In those days his first day's profit was 1 and total sales of 4. The name comes from the initials of TE Stockwell, who was a partner in the firm of tea suppliers, and CO from Jack's surname. It was in year 1929 that Jack Cohen opened his first Tesco store in Burnt Oak, Edgware, North London. And the journey continues, there's no looking back since then. 1.5 Microenvironment factors: With an emphasis on Globalization and consumerism, role of retailer and supermarkets is continuously on the rise. World over such supermarkets are replacing the street corners shops as the supermarkets offer better quality, branded items and value for money. In fact supermarket chains like TESCO have now become a formidable brand in themselves. 1.6 Perceived competitive Advantage: From the strategic planning point of view, competitor analysis is very important for any company's long-term survival (Kotler, 1972). Tesco is securing itself a position in the top echelon of an elite group of international retail organizations on account of the number of superstores that it has worldwide and the range of products available. Mintzberg (1994) too, while talking about the changes that have taken place on the strategic planning front, emphasizes the importance of strategic planning. 1.7 Future Assumptions: David (1999) defined strategy as 'the match an organisation makes between its internal resources and skills and the opportunities and risks created by its external forces'. This assumption forms a crucial component while planning for future. For such planning, the TOWS (Threats-Opportunities-Weaknesses-Strengths) and SPACE (Strategic Position and Action Evaluation) Matrices prove to be very helpful tools.
Specifications of HP ProLiant DL380 G5 Storage Server Assignment
Specifications of HP ProLiant DL380 G5 Storage Server - Assignment Example Before one begins to start purchasing for a server, there are some procedures which need to be followed. The Rack height is the term used for the rackmount servers. They are in the dimension of 1U, 2U up to 7U whereby the U is the short word for the units. With the numbers, they represent the size of the rackmount. The height and width of a rackmount do not change but the depth changes. The best-required rackmount is 2U because it has the required size needed for the company and the type of services it will be carrying through. The rack can also depend on the power edge of the servers and the number of units to be used. The server needs only one processor that is fully configured because of the type of services to be offered. A processor is a machine that will be used by the company to process the office services and it needs to be connected to the server. A number of programs will run through the processor and be executed at the servers. The number of the applications to run on the processor will be determined by the capacity of the processor. If there are a lot of services and applications to be run on the processor, it needs to have a larger capacity. The capacity of the memory will be measured in numbers and for the right capacity of the company is to have two processors. The processor has a motherboard that is capable of holding the RAM. The RAM is the one that stores the information in the processor. For the company, it needs a maximum memory of 32 Gigabytes in order to store the information and data. The larger the memory, the information to be stored in the memory of the RAM in the processo r is also large in number making work at the office to be easier. The image below displays the RAM of the server. The ECC is the kind of technology protection that will monitor and support the Memory and Ram of the processor.
Reward Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Reward Management - Essay Example Employees in present times are no longer satisfied with mere cash-based rewards (Dewhurst, Guthridge, and Mohr, 2010). They are increasingly seeking alternate sources of reward mostly non-financial such as recognition of their work and contribution made towards organizational success, health benefits, policies that enable them to strike a perfect work-life balance, positions of authority that enable them to exercise control and take risks to accomplish challenging objectives, etc among others. Motivating such diverse and talented pool of human resources has hence become highly challenging for the organizations. They are now compelled to reassess their reward management strategies and revise them in accordance with the changing demands of the industry, and include novel strategies that appeal to the individual tastes and preference of their employees. This includes initiating organization wide changes in the management styles, re-organizing the design systems, and incorporating the principles of transparency and fairness, by seeking active participation of employees in the reward design process. The rules of the workplace have evolved during the last couple of decades and the realities of yesterday no longer hold true in present times. The drastic change brought about by information technology, globalization, and expansion of the marketplace has entirely changed the rule of the game. Organizations today are no longer chasing customers but are also compelled to come up with innovative strategies to retain their skilled pool of human resources. Employee retention through implementation of motivational reward oriented strategies has assumed a top priority for the management. This paper on reward management discusses the various issues concerned with performance oriented pay structures, including the effectiveness of rewards on employee performance, the relationship between non-financial rewards and employee performance, the application of flexible reward policies, impact of non-financial rewards, the relevance and significance of integrated approach to total reward, and the issue of employee entitlement trap. 2. Relationship between rewards and performance: Various studies have indicated that there exists a strong relationship between rewards and employee performance (Guzzo et al., 1995; Jenkins et al., 1998; Hansen, 1997; Stajkovic & Luthans, 2001). Employees play a key role in enhancing the organizational performance. Hence it is imperative for organiz ations to ensure that the employees are appropriately rewarded for their contribution towards organizational development through an effective reward framework. The significance of effective reward management strategies for organizations can be ascertained by the fact that rewards help the management in preventing employee burnouts and provides them with adequate strength and motivation to address the various challenges encountered on the job (Schaufeli et al., 2002). It has been observed that employees are often subject to severe stress. This is particularly evident in service industries such as banking and the hospitality sector where the employees are directly in touch with the customers. Consumers today are getting more and more demanding
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Quantitative research appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quantitative research appraisal - Essay Example Determinations of the effectiveness of pain management, effectiveness of nurse-led diabetic clinic, effectiveness of appropriate or specific dressing methods in management of venous ulcer, effectiveness of specialist nurse practitioner in the accident and emergency as a primary care giver are just few of the numerous examples to assess evidence and change practice based on evidence (Sousa et al., 2007, 502-507). Observational and Interventional Research Designs: The investigator conducting observational research observes both the independent and the dependent variables, when there is insufficient knowledge about a phenomenon, or for ethical reasons or otherwise, an observational design is most suitable. In experimental research, researchers actively intervene and create the independent variable, which means that people in the sample will be exposed to different treatments or conditions (Driessnack, et al., 2007, 684-688). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs: Experimental designs provide strong evidence about the hypothesis and provide a causal relationship between independent and dependent variables. ... However, quasi-experimental designs lack randomization to treatment groups, which characterizes true experiments. Quasi-experiments, thus, are not as powerful as experiments in establishing causal connections between interventions and outcomes (Coughlan et al, 2007, 658-663). Differences between Inferential and Descriptive Statistics: Statistics are either descriptive or inferential. Descriptive statistics are used to describe and synthesize data. Averages and percentages are examples of descriptive statistics. Actually, when such indices are calculated on data from a population, they are called parameters. Inferential statistics on the other hand is used to draw some inferences out of the numerical data (Zellner et al., 2007, 55-59). The title of the research article chosen by the author to base this assignment is "Randomised controlled trial to compare surgical stabilisation of the lumbar spine with an intensive rehabilitation programme for patients with chronic low back pain: the MRC spine stabilisation trial" by Fairbank and coworkers published in the British Medical Journal (Fairbank et al., 2005, 1233). Purpose: The purpose of this particular study is to assess the clinical effectiveness of surgical stabilization in the form of spinal fusion compared with that with intensive stabilization for patients with chronic low back pain. The design obviously was a multicentric randomized controlled trial (Cook et al., 2008, 128-133). Randomization or random assignment involves placing subjects in groups at random. Random essentially means that every subject has an equal chance of being assigned to any group to avoid systematic bias in the groups that could affect the dependent variable. Randomization remains the most trustworthy and acceptable method of
A rhetorical analysis on How Society in the United States Views Research Paper - 1
A rhetorical analysis on How Society in the United States Views Abortion and what impact the media has on that view - Research Paper Example Iyengar, Shanto; Hahn, Kyu S. Red Media, Blue Media: Evidence of Ideological Selectivity in Media Use. Journal of Communication, 59.1 (2009): 19-39 - This article is geared towards showing that the public is always aligned towards media houses that cover news that are aligned to their political interests. It follows then that there is a partial selectivity on the news that people on National television due to a perceived bias. Such a trend is worrying and may erroneously inform the public which negatively impacts the society. The article concentrates on proliferation of biased media houses which is important for this paper in the abortion debate perception. National Survey of State Laws. Abortion. 16th Nov 2012. Web 2008 - This is the primary text that provides information about the different legislations that govern the abortion debate. Most of these legislations are quite controversial and they have led to a polarized public with two extreme views on the debate. Rohlinger, Deana A. "Friends and foes: Media, politics, and tactics in the abortion war." Social Problems 53.4 (2006): 537-561 - This paper concentrates on how politics and the media interplay to inform the public about the abortion debate. Both politics and media strategies influence each other in presenting facts about sensitive debates touching on the US public. The media on its part employs different tactics to bring out their messages to the public which influences perceptions of controversial issues in US. As such, this article provides important information on the broad tactics used by media and enhances knowledge on the dynamics of politics in the abortion debate. Weitz, Tracy A., and Yanow Susan. â€Å"Implications of the Federal Abortion Ban for Womens Health in the United States.†Reproductive Health Matters, 16.31 (2008): 99-107 - Authors of this article expound on the impacts of the Partial Birth
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Reward Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Reward Management - Essay Example Employees in present times are no longer satisfied with mere cash-based rewards (Dewhurst, Guthridge, and Mohr, 2010). They are increasingly seeking alternate sources of reward mostly non-financial such as recognition of their work and contribution made towards organizational success, health benefits, policies that enable them to strike a perfect work-life balance, positions of authority that enable them to exercise control and take risks to accomplish challenging objectives, etc among others. Motivating such diverse and talented pool of human resources has hence become highly challenging for the organizations. They are now compelled to reassess their reward management strategies and revise them in accordance with the changing demands of the industry, and include novel strategies that appeal to the individual tastes and preference of their employees. This includes initiating organization wide changes in the management styles, re-organizing the design systems, and incorporating the principles of transparency and fairness, by seeking active participation of employees in the reward design process. The rules of the workplace have evolved during the last couple of decades and the realities of yesterday no longer hold true in present times. The drastic change brought about by information technology, globalization, and expansion of the marketplace has entirely changed the rule of the game. Organizations today are no longer chasing customers but are also compelled to come up with innovative strategies to retain their skilled pool of human resources. Employee retention through implementation of motivational reward oriented strategies has assumed a top priority for the management. This paper on reward management discusses the various issues concerned with performance oriented pay structures, including the effectiveness of rewards on employee performance, the relationship between non-financial rewards and employee performance, the application of flexible reward policies, impact of non-financial rewards, the relevance and significance of integrated approach to total reward, and the issue of employee entitlement trap. 2. Relationship between rewards and performance: Various studies have indicated that there exists a strong relationship between rewards and employee performance (Guzzo et al., 1995; Jenkins et al., 1998; Hansen, 1997; Stajkovic & Luthans, 2001). Employees play a key role in enhancing the organizational performance. Hence it is imperative for organiz ations to ensure that the employees are appropriately rewarded for their contribution towards organizational development through an effective reward framework. The significance of effective reward management strategies for organizations can be ascertained by the fact that rewards help the management in preventing employee burnouts and provides them with adequate strength and motivation to address the various challenges encountered on the job (Schaufeli et al., 2002). It has been observed that employees are often subject to severe stress. This is particularly evident in service industries such as banking and the hospitality sector where the employees are directly in touch with the customers. Consumers today are getting more and more demanding
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
A rhetorical analysis on How Society in the United States Views Research Paper - 1
A rhetorical analysis on How Society in the United States Views Abortion and what impact the media has on that view - Research Paper Example Iyengar, Shanto; Hahn, Kyu S. Red Media, Blue Media: Evidence of Ideological Selectivity in Media Use. Journal of Communication, 59.1 (2009): 19-39 - This article is geared towards showing that the public is always aligned towards media houses that cover news that are aligned to their political interests. It follows then that there is a partial selectivity on the news that people on National television due to a perceived bias. Such a trend is worrying and may erroneously inform the public which negatively impacts the society. The article concentrates on proliferation of biased media houses which is important for this paper in the abortion debate perception. National Survey of State Laws. Abortion. 16th Nov 2012. Web 2008 - This is the primary text that provides information about the different legislations that govern the abortion debate. Most of these legislations are quite controversial and they have led to a polarized public with two extreme views on the debate. Rohlinger, Deana A. "Friends and foes: Media, politics, and tactics in the abortion war." Social Problems 53.4 (2006): 537-561 - This paper concentrates on how politics and the media interplay to inform the public about the abortion debate. Both politics and media strategies influence each other in presenting facts about sensitive debates touching on the US public. The media on its part employs different tactics to bring out their messages to the public which influences perceptions of controversial issues in US. As such, this article provides important information on the broad tactics used by media and enhances knowledge on the dynamics of politics in the abortion debate. Weitz, Tracy A., and Yanow Susan. â€Å"Implications of the Federal Abortion Ban for Womens Health in the United States.†Reproductive Health Matters, 16.31 (2008): 99-107 - Authors of this article expound on the impacts of the Partial Birth
Overview of the Annual Report and Form 10k and the Balance Sheet Essay Example for Free
Overview of the Annual Report and Form 10k and the Balance Sheet Essay I should be able to understand your answer and see what the numerical support is without looking at your tables. For all problem sets, please show tables and calculations with each answer (unsupported answers will be marked wrong), not in separate tables. I should be able to look at your tables or calculations and see what the answer should be without actually reading it. And I should be able to read and understand your interpretation of a table without having to look at it. Clearly show and label any and all calculations. Your output should look professional. 1. Corporate Message: What does Coca Cola’s 2012 Annual Review tell you about the message the company wants to convey to its readers? Point out examples to support your discussion. 2. Describe the three types of Coca Cola’s bottling relationships. Name the significant companies that are accounted for by the equity method. Does Coca Cola have a controlling interest in these companies? Explain and demonstrate why or why not? What would the company’s balance sheet look like if Coke were to account for its publicly traded equity method investments at fair value rather than using the equity method? . Except for Property, plant, and equipment, what was Coca Cola’s largest single asset (not asset category) at 12/31/2012? How does it compare to 2011? Why do you think it increased? What was its relative impact on the change in total assets? Which component of Coca Cola’s balance sheet is the primary factor causing the company’s change in total assets fro m December 31, 2011 to December 31, 2012? How much did this factor change by relative to (i. e. , as a percentage of) the change in total assets? 4. Income Tax: Is Coca Cola’s effective (i. e. , average) tax rate more or less than the U. S. federal (â€Å"statutory†) rate? What is the primary reason(s) that it was more/less in 2012? 5. Look at Coke’s 10K. For 2012, is the amount of dividends declared equal to the amount of dividends paid? What are these amounts? Where did you find them? Did dividends declared increase, decrease, or remain the same – per share and in total, compared to 2011? 6. Prepare a 2011 and 2012 common size balance sheet for Coke. Comment on differences between the two. A common size balance sheet is one for which each item in the balance sheet is divided by total assets. Download Pepsi’s 2012 10-K from Pepsico. com 7. Using the information in Pepsi’s 2012 10-K, calculate the company’s a. Total market value for 2012 and 2011. b. Book value to common shareholders for 2012 and 2011 (Hint: Pepsi does not have dividends in arrears on their preferred shares. Use Pepsi’s call price located in the footnotes for the preferred stock claim. Just subtract the total preferred stock call price amount from total stockholders’ equity. c. Market to book value ratios for 2012 and 2011. d. How do the above ratios for Pepsi compare to those of Coca Cola for the same two years? How do you interpret any differences? 8. Make a common size balance sheet for Pepsi for 2012 (round your percentages to 1 decimal place – i. e. , the same as 0. xxx ) Examine the two companies’ common size balance sheets. What do you notice about a. Cash and cash equivalents b. Net receivables c. Current liabilities d. Long term debt What do you think any significant differences between these ratios might mean? Do you notice any other significant differences between Coke and Pepsi? 9. Working capital: Working capital equals total current assets minus total current liabilities. How much working capital does Pepsi have at 12/31/2012 and 12/31/2011? How much working capital does Coca Cola have at 12/31/2012 and 12/31/2011? Can you directly compare the two companies’ working capital? Why or why not? If not, how could you make them comparable? Are the two companies experiencing similar changes in working capital?
Monday, October 14, 2019
Recommendation of Coca Cola based on performing various valuation models
Recommendation of Coca Cola based on performing various valuation models The recommendation of Coca-Cola Company is based on performing various valuation models, which include HR practices, economic profit analysis, relative valuation and a fundamental price to earnings valuation model that revealed the Coca-Cola Company to be overvalued. Even though they find the stock to be overvalued and they feel that KO has some promising outlooks as well as possible challenges in the near future and they want to recommend it as a hold instead of a sell. The Coca-Cola Company is the #1 company within the non-alcoholic beverages industry. They have a 20- year standing of being the leader and investors know that the Coca-Cola Company has an extraordinary reputation for maximizing shareholder value. Opportunities that exist for the company in the future is expanding market share in the non-carbonated beverages segment, a restructuring of their business model, and better consistency of earnings results. A challenge that the Coca-Cola Company is facing is the struggle with their global competitors in the fact that their HR practices are greater and less than coke. If coke wants to more reputation in the world they must produce more incentives for employees from which they more done work hard and produce good quality. Their new management team needs to work on implementing cohesive goals between the two to reach the Coca-Cola Companys long-term growth potential. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION Mission and vision 5 History 7 4 Brands/product line 14 5 Total quality management 16 6 Environment of coca cola 16 7 Health and Nutrition 18 8 Management of coca cola in Gujranwala 19 9 Departmentalization 27 10 Human Resource Management 29 11 Job analysis and designs 30 12 Planning and forecast 30 13 Recruitment and selection 31 14 Training process 32 15 Performance and appraisal 33 16 Compensation and benefits 34 17 Employees relationship 35 18 Safety policy 36 19 Recommendation and Suggestion 37 INTRODUCTION Founded in 1886, the coca-cola company is the worlds leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The companys corporate headquarters are in Atlanta, with local operations in over 200 countries around the world. Although Coca-Cola was first created in the United States, it quickly became popular wherever it went. Our first international bottling plants opened in 1906 in Canada, Cuba and Panama, soon followed by many more. Today, we produce more than 300 brands. More than 70 percent of our income comes from outside the U.S., but the real reason we are a truly global company is that our products meet the varied taste preferences of consumers everywhere. MISSION STATEMENT To benefit and refresh everyone it touches and to create values for our share owner on a long term basis by building a business that enhances the coco-cola company trade marks According to Gujranwala plant: To have a strong, dominant profitable business in Pakistan. VISION All of us in the Coca-Cola family wake up each morning knowing that every single one of the worlds 5.6 billion people will get thirsty that day and that we are the ones with the best opportunity to refresh them. Our task is simple: make Coca-Cola and our other products available, affordable, and acceptable to them, quenching their thirst and providing them a perfect moment of relaxation. If we do this if we make it impossible for these 5.6 billion people to escape Coca-Cola then we assure our future success for many years to come. Doing anything else is not an option. According to Gujranwala Plant: To create value for our share holders We are committed to: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Building preference market leadership for our brands à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Achieve quality excellence and serve our customers with quality products. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maximizing profits à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Developing People à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Optimum utilization of assets Shared Values: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ WE VALUE RESPECT OUR PEOPLE à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ WE COMMUNICATE OPENLY à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ WE HAVE INTEGRITY à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ WE ARE COMMITTED TO WINNING Beliefs: There is much in our world to celebrate, refresh, strengthen and protect. The Coca-Cola Company is a vibrant network of people, in nearly 200 countries, putting citizenship into action. Through our actions as local citizens, we strive every day to refresh the marketplace, enrich the workplace, protect the environment and strengthen our communities. We are a local employer, with responsibility to enable our people to tap into their full potential; working at their innovative best and representing the diversity of the world we serve. We are an investor in local economies and a driver of marketplace innovation, with a responsibility to act as a good steward of our natural environment. A local citizen, understanding our responsibility to contribute to an improved quality of life in our communities BRANDS / PRODUCT LINE In 2002, Coca-Cola added pop to a category that many believed had lost its fizz in North America. In May, after just six months in development, Vanilla Coke became the first extension of the Coca- Cola brand since 1985 and immediately generated profitable volume. Vanilla Coke helped boost sales of Coca-Cola branded beverages while inviting new consumers to rediscover the cola category through a completely original flavor experience. In product formulation, the Vanilla Coke team struck a balance that lets the taste of Coca-Cola come through-intriguingly new, yet undeniably Coca-Cola. Already one of our top 10 brands in the United States, Vanilla Coke is performing well in its initial international markets-including Australia and New Zealand, with more countries planning launches for 2003. In response to consumer demand, diet Vanilla Coke was introduced to the U.S. marketplace in October, just three-and-a-half months after it was given the green light. In 2002, we also celebrated the 2 0th anniversary of diet Coke and the expansion of diet Coke with lemon, which made strong debuts in several international markets after its U.S. launch in 2001. In March 1923, Coca-Cola was sold in a 6-bottle carton for the first time in New Orleans, Louisiana. Today, products of The Coca-Cola Company are consumed at the rate of more than one billion drinks per day. Major Brands: There are 323 brands of coca-cola. Out of which there are 7 brands of coke in Pakistan. Two brands Lemon and Strawberry are recently introduced products of Coca-cola in Pakistan. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) Passion for Quality: Our reputation is built on trust. Through good citizenship we will nurture our relationships and continue to build that trust. That is the essence of our promise The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh everyone it touches. Wherever Coca-Cola does business, we strive to be trusted partners and good citizens. We are committed to managing our business around the world with a consistent set of values that represent the highest standards of integrity and excellence. We share these values with our bottlers, making our system stronger. These core values are essential to our long-term business success and will be reflected in all of our relationships and actions in the marketplace, the workplace, the environment and the community. Marketplace: We will adhere to the highest ethical standards, knowing that the quality of our products, the integrity of our brands and the dedication of our people build trust and strengthen relationships. We will serve the people who enjoy our brands through innovation, superb customer service, and respect for the unique customs and cultures in the communities where we do business. Workplace: We will treat each other with dignity, fairness and respect. We will foster an inclusive environment that encourages all employees to develop and perform to their fullest potential, consistent with a commitment to human rights in our workplace. The Coca-Cola workplace will be a place where everyones ideas and contributions are valued, and where responsibility and accountability are encouraged and rewarded. Environment: We will conduct our business in ways that protect and preserve the environment. We will integrate principles of environmental stewardship and sustainable development into our business decisions and processes. COMMUNITY: We will contribute our time, expertise and resources to help develop sustainable communities in partnership with local leaders. We will seek to improve the quality of life through locally relevant initiatives wherever we do business. Responsible corporate citizenship is at the heart of The Coca-Cola Promise. We believe that what is best for our employees, for the community and for the environment is also best for our business ENVIRONMENT OF COCA-COLA In the first decade of the new century, we face the challenge of a new environment, which is driven by a fundamental shift in international economic dynamics, the growing influence of technology and the fact that people increasingly expect more of large corporations. That challenge demands innovation. While we will always be disciplined by our purpose and our ideals, we must intensify our focus on innovation and create new ways to deliver the promise of Coca-Cola. In fact, in an era that is increasingly international and interconnected, we must pioneer a movement from a homogenous global approach to a highly tailored approach reflecting the unique character of our markets. This new approach will require: 1) Being innovative in our marketing, our brands and our consumer relationships 2) Collaborating more productively with our business partners 3) Changing some of the structures of our enterprise 4) Increasing our commitment to community and the environment Thus, we will reinvigorate our enterprise and bring to full life the unique spirit of Coca-Cola and our people. Such real renaissance of the Coca-Cola spirit will enable us to fulfill our purpose of delivering refreshment and benefit to everyone touched by our business. The Coca-Cola Company and our bottlers have been at the forefront in helping solve environmental, litter and solid waste issues for more than 20 years. We realize that we touch the lives of billions of people around the world and that our responsibility to them includes conducting our business in ways that help preserve the environment. Soft-drink packaging is the most recycled consumer package in the United States. Our system supports dozens of litter prevention organizations, including the Center for Marine Conservation and Keep America Beautiful. The Coca-Cola Company is a founding member of Keep America Beautiful. Whats more, weve been recycling at our headquarters for years, to the tune of thousands of pounds of waste annually. Weve donated more than $100,000 in proceeds from these recycling efforts to charities. Shaping new Products experiences with packaging and technology: As we created new products and fresh brand experiences in 2002, one fact became increasingly clear to us: Consumers are eager to see The Coca-Cola Company bring excitement to the marketplace. One simple innovation last year-the Fridge Packà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ -has changed the dimensions of 12-pack sales for us and for our bottling partners. This sleek, refrigerator-friendly pack is increasing consumer awareness and preference, accelerating consumption and case volume in markets where it has been introduced. From our packaging suppliers who assisted us and our bottlers in developing the Fridge Pack, to the retailers whose shelves were reconfigured to accept the new design, partnership made this innovation possible- and profitable. The future of our business in North America also evolved in 2002 with the continuing rollout of iFountain, the most advanced soft-drink dispensing system in the industry. iFountain gives our custome rs a technologically advanced fountain system that enhances available brand options, improves operating efficiency and automatically calibrates each drink served to assure consumers of a quality drink every time HR coca cola HEALTH AND NUTRITION GIFT Business School 18 Today, people are more concerned than ever about health and nutrition. They understand the importance of good nutrition and proper hydration and they also know that delicious foods and beverages are an enjoyable part of life. People have trusted and enjoyed soft drinks for more than 115 years, and they can continue to be confident about their favorite beverages. In this section, we answer many of the questions you may have about our family of beverages., We also take a look at how The Coca-Cola Company promotes a healthy active lifestyle through programs around the world that promote fun and physical activity. There is growing confusion about what constitutes a healthy diet. With so much conflicting information available about health and nutrition, it can be very difficult to determine what is accurate and what is not. The truth is that soft drinks and other beverages have a place in a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet incorporates the basic principles of variety, balance and moderation without sacrificing enjoyment. Your Health Our Beverages: There is growing confusion about what constitutes a healthy diet. With so much conflicting information available about health and nutrition, it can be very difficult to determine what is accurate and what is not. The truth is that soft drinks and other beverages have a place in a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet incorporates the basic principles of variety, balance and moderation without sacrificing enjoyment. Climate Change: The Coca-Cola Company takes the issue of global climate change very seriously. We have adopted a comprehensive policy aimed at reducing the environmental impact of our cooling equipment over time. By the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, we will no longer purchase new cold-drink equipment using hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), wherever cost-efficient alternatives are commercially available. Additionally, we will reduce the energy use of our individual equipment by 40-50 percent over the next ten years. As we developed our cooling equipment policy, we referred to the basic tenets of the Kyoto Protocol. While we support the scientific analysis and general objectives of the agreement, we believe that ratification of international treaties and protocols should be left to national political processes. By focusing on our own efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions, we hope to provide an example of how businesses can operate in an environmentally sustainable manner. MANAGEMENT OF COCA-COLA Following are the information about the management of Gujranwala plant. The factory is control by the BOM (Business operational manager) and under him eight Departments is working. Every Department is lad by a department Manager. The Departments of account is lead by the manager account and under him assist manager works. Who control the other employees of the department under him? Department of production and engineering is lead by the Prod. Eng. Manager. Under him work Mechanical Engineers Mechanical Supervisor and Assistant Production. Quality control department lead by the manager quality control. Under him working the chief chemist whos responsibility is to give the quality product to the customer. Sale marketing department is playing the important part in the growing market share in the country. That department led by the Sale marketing manager that department is further divided in the sale and marketing section. The marketing department is lead by the marketing manager and the sale section by sale manager. Sale men work under the sale manager F leet department control thetransport vehicle of the company the head of the department is Fleet manager and under him work the assistant fleet manager who manages the control over the transportation of the company. The distribution of the coca-cola around the Gujranwala region is the responsibility of distribution department, which is lead by the distribution Manager. Assistant distribution manager work under Him to full fill their duties. Human recourse and international affair department take control over the external environment of the company and help the in the growth of the company. That Department is lead by the Manager H.R.I.R. other executive work under his supervision. The R D Department plays the most important role in the development and the growth of the company. This Department is lead by the Manager RD. and Assistant Manger work under him. The total number of employees in the coca-cola Gujranwala Company is 236. To be specific the working environment in the company represents the companys culture in large. The culture is the shared values among the different people so the environment of the company is widely shared by its employees that conclude to form the companys culture. In the coming lines the working environment of the Gujranwala Coca-cola factory is described. Company culture:- The factors, which must be highlighted in this regard, are as follows: à ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ special training is given to employees, New employees also are placed with old ones to learn work and the values prevalent in the company, à ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ Two cups tea are free for every employee daily this represents the hospitable nature of the company, This factor keeps the employees motivated as they are taken well care this fact is clear by the physical actions took by the company, à ®Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€š ¬ The company working environment is really a good blend of Asian and western values. Motivations for employees: Wages:- Coca-cola is providing smart wages to its employees, which are competitive and really satisfy its employees. As along with the wages they are provided with a lot of facilities and amenities. In brief structure of wages can be described like this blue collar workers are offered wages along with commission, sales man are offered wages plus commission pursuing certain criteria, White collar workers who are the officers and the executives draw a handsome amount of salary which is really competitive. Staffing and training: The Coca-Cola Company has always believed that education is a powerful force in improving the quality of life and creating opportunity for people and their families around the world. The Coca-Cola Company is committed to helping people make their dreams come true. All over the world, we are involved in innovative programs that give hard-working, knowledge-hungry students books, supplies, places to study and scholarships. From youth in Brazil to first generation scholars, educational programs in local communities are our priority. Annual Leaves:- Coca-cola international has different leaves structures in different regions and countries of the world where they have their company. Their leaves structure regarding Pakistan especially in Gujranwala Division Company is as follows: Designation Allowed leaves Supervisor 26 leaves per annum Above then Supervisor 26 leaves per annum Below supervisor 24 leaves per annum The above table shows simply how the leaves structure allows for the leaves and how well the employees are awarded with facility of getting their own personal time to manage their own problems. These leaves are authorized for the employees and these include the with pay leaves. This facility is really great which keeps the employees motivated and thrilled about their work. Time Management For Work:- Time management is the key to grow in this fast and furious century of growth and development, so therefore Coca-cola is doing at their best for this pivotal factor of managing time. To cover this segment of management they have divided the work in to shifts. For this purpose phenomenon of division of labor is contributing for its functioning. In Gujranwala Coca-Cola company has divided the shifts for the work in the following manner: They are managing the working time in two shifts. They can include some extra shift if there is demand but normally there are two shifts, which are explained in the following. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (all departments other then technical departments), à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ 4 p.m. to 12 p.m. (Technical department). These are the shifts in which the work in the factory is mostly conducted. Medical Facilities:- Medical facilities are of prime importance in any organization as the health of employees is in the benefit of the company as well as its the social responsibility of the company to provide nice and healthy work environment to its employees, These facilities are such facilities which can include first aid treatments, emergency handling problems, sickness, and other diseases which are fatal for a person. The Coca-Cola Company is providing Medical facilities to all its employees. These treatments are provided to employees as per their designations. The medical facilities are also provided to supervisors as well as the officers in the company. Employees our Asset: The heart and soul of our enterprise have always been our people. Over the past century, Coca-Cola people have led our successes by living and working with a consistent set of values. While the world and our business will continue to change rapidly, respecting these values will continue to be essential to our long-term success. As we have expanded over the decades, our company has benefited from the various cultural insights and perspectives of the societies in which we do business. Much of our future success will depend on our ability to develop a worldwide team that is rich in its diversity of thinking, perspectives, backgrounds and culture. We are determined to have a diverse culture, from top to bottom that benefit from the perspectives of each individual. Employee Forums: We believe that a sense of community enhances our ability to attract, retain, and develop diverse talent and ideas as a source of competitive business advantage. In the U.S., through employee forums, employees can connect with colleagues who share similar interests and backgrounds. In those forums and elsewhere, employees support each others personal and professional growth and enhance their individual and collective ability to contribute to the company. Forums that are currently active include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Administrative Professionals à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ African-American à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Asian/Pacific-American à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Gay Lesbian à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Latin à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Women Mentoring Programs: The Coca-Cola Company is creating a system of mentoring programs that include, one-on-one mentoring, group mentoring and mentoring self-study tools. Currently, Coca-Cola North America and The Minute Maid Company have one-on-one mentoring programs designed to foster professional growth and development. These HR coca cola GIFT Business School 26 Every year, the world produces billions of tons of waste. Recycling and reusing waste materials is absolutely crucial if we are to maintain the health and beauty of the earth. The Coca-Cola ® Company is working constantly toward coming up with smart, creative ways to reuse waste. Heres a glance at what were doing. To introduce innovative and environmentally friendly packaging, we Opened a breakthrough facility in Sydney, Australia for the worlds first PET bottles to be produced from recycled PET bottles. Today, one in four PET containers sold by our company in North America contains recycled content. Our Commitment To Diversity: Our commitment to diversity also extends into the community. Valuing our people helps us better meet the needs of our customers and partners. Through our people and our local bottling partners, we build relationships through local marketing, local civic programs and local business opportunities. Realizing the full potential of diversity has a direct impact on our company: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It improves our understanding of local markets; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It makes us a better employer and business partner; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It helps us compete more effectively; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It makes us better neighbors in our communities; and ultimately, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ It builds value for our shareowners. Our company is energized with a new entrepreneurial operating culture, fueled by the twin engines of innovation and diversity. DEPARTMENTALIZATION: Following are the departments in Coca-cola company regarding to Gujranwala plant:- à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Human Resource and international relation department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Research and Development department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Account department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Engineering department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Production department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Quality Control department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Marketing department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Sale department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Fleet department. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Distribution department. Human Resource Management within Coca Cola Human Resource Management is an essential part for any organization. Moreover, development of this department is the first step, the ground on which the future of the company depends. It is essential for every single business unit and especially for such international company as Coca Cola. It is people, not technology who create the company. Human Resource Management at Coca Cola Company has many advantages. It is the global company and it is impossible to create certain policies or procedures applicable in all divisions of the company, cultural and political differences need to be taken into account. Therefore, the focus of this paper will be on four tasks and duties of Human Resource Management (performance management, compensation, career development, succession planning) based on the United States procedures. Basically the HRM practices are necessary for every organization. But unfortunately in Pakistan not so much used HRM practices. In multinational companies like coca cola have their own separate department of HRM. According senior executive of HR Waqar Mahmood our HR department consist of 29 people in Gujranwala plant. Every organization has its own policies and strategies by which they control the functions of their departments. Similarly, we also have own policies and strategies by which we control all the functions of our departments. coca cola HR department is also conducting all the practices of HRM like Job analysis and design of work ,r e c r u i t m e n t and selection, training and development, performance appraisals, compensation, employee relationships, staff welfare and medical policies and some other things like that. These all practices are conducted by own policies and strategies. HR department not make decisions related of its own department, they also conduct in companys decision. Job analysis and designing Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hire for it. Job analysis consists of two products one is job description and second job specification. Job description: a list of job duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities- one product of a job. Job specification: a list of a jobs human requirements that is requisites education, skills, personality, and so on-other product of a job analysis. Coca cola company HR department check its own job description and job analysis in which they get the information about employees work activities, human behavior, performance standard, job context and human requirements and also other information related to this conduct. HR department of coca cola used this information for Recruiting, selection, compensation, performance appraisal, training, and employees relationship. Planning and Forecasting The process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them. Coca cola HR department involves in company strategic planning and they also make sufficient planning for hiring new employees in the future. We forecast for the expected employees needs in the organization. We forecast of employees on the change technology and increasing in productivity. After planning we send this report to the head office for approval. If we get approval from the head office then we start recruitment process. Our recruitment process Our recruitment process is well established first of all we give ads in news papers, company website, institutions etc.Once we receive an application form, from candidates with required documents and C V. Internal recruitment External recruitment External Selection process The selection process will vary depending on the position youre applying for, as one process cant fit all the different roles we have here at CCE. However, in most cases a combination of any of the following tools will be used: Interview Group exercises Presentations Psychometric tests Role plays/Situational Exercises Interview The interview is designed to reveal more about you and your experiences. Well ask for examples of how you behaved in different situations, maybe at school, university, a club, at home or in previous jobs. This is not
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