Monday, December 30, 2019
The Role and Significance of Polonius in Hamlet by...
As with many plays, actors in Shakespeare’s, The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, are at liberty to alter the portrayal of their characters. Because of this, the significance and subtleties of various characters can be lost in varying adaptations of the play. This holds true for the character Polonius, who is often incorrectly portrayed as a oblivious and foolish yet caring father. Rather, Shakespeare implicitly and explicitly establishes Polonius as a character in full control of his wits. Polonius’ interaction with other characters throughout the play highlights his cunning, wit, and selfishness. Polonius’ interactions with Hamlet are often the source of misinterpretations that Polonius is a bumbling fool. In every conversation, Polonius appears oblivious to the witty and cruel remarks Hamlet makes in response to his persistent questioning. Even when explicitly called a â€Å"fishmonger,†Polonius feigns surprised ignorance and suggests that Hamlet is insane rather than sarcastic (II.ii.187). He appears to continue ignoring Hamlet’s thinly veiled insults even when Hamlet compares Ophelia to â€Å"maggots in a dead dog,†assuming that Hamlet is â€Å"still harping on [his] daughter†(II.ii.669). However, Polonius is not the â€Å"tedious old fool†that he appears to be; just as Hamlet confessed to being â€Å"not in madness,/But mad in craft,†Polonius merely feigns stupidity (II.ii.224; III.iv.204-5). By pretending to be clueless, Polonius is able to question and study Hamlet further withoutShow MoreRelatedHamlet and The Desire-Destiny Paradox872 Words  | 3 Pagesquoted line of Hamlet, of Shakespeare’s works, possibly of all Elizabethan literature, presents a philosophical Hamlet who questions â€Å"Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer, The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,†Shakespeare does indeed explore the in dividual’s enduring need to define one’s role or identity within society, but presents the paradox of whether to embrace one’s fortune OR to ‘carve for himself’ a fate and identity. Hamlet spends muchRead More Feminist Criticism of Shakespeares Hamlet Essay2539 Words  | 11 Pagescritics have presented theories on the meaning of William Shakespeares Hamlet, ranging from claims of Oedipal Complexes to insinuations of homosexuality. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Asian Cuisine - 1338 Words
Upon coming across my decision on what my paper would be about, it was very evident that I would be discussing the Asian cuisine, due to me often watching a clips on YouTube of them eating live octopus, squid or fish. It amazes me to see some of the things they eat and how they eat it. In their tradition, it is polite to slurp your food while eating. It lets the chef know you are enjoying it or they prepared it just right. Food is very important to them, when they are walking on the street often before going into conversation, they may ask the person â€Å"Have you eaten today?†, that is equivalent to our American traditional question when starting a conversation, â€Å"How are you doing.†Cooking is one of the oldest of human†¦show more content†¦This eventually led to the creation of uniquely Americanized Asian dishes such as chop suey, egg rolls, fortune cookies, and recently, Asian-inspired fast food salads. These days, traditional Asian cuisine is undergoing another transformation but instead of being combined withShow MoreRelatedSummary : A Great Cafe Culture, Shopping, Parks, And Good Schools1004 Words  | 5 PagesShoppingh †¢ Woolworths Supermarket †¢ Specialist Medical Imaging †¢ Snazzy Snippers conventional men s hair salon †¢ Sindy s Flower Express florist †¢ Road Runner Bargains men s fashion †¢ RPM Info Sys computer services †¢ Portico Fruit Vegetables Asian Supermarket †¢ Mobile Menia mobile and tablet accessories †¢ KM Best Bargains kitchen, party, gifts, toys, and more †¢ Fair Trade Shoppe handmade items made by artisans who live in poverty-stricken countries Cafes Restaurants †¢ Ricco s Burgers CoffeeRead MoreMarketing Strategy : Healthy Food And Ethnic / International Food1607 Words  | 7 Pagesbrands to widen their business in the US market, I decided to develop my brand as a Korean food brand. 1. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Mp4 Matlab Free Essays
College of Engineering ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING NDC Compound, *Anonas* St. Sta. Mesa, Manila {draw:line} Research Work with Defense Submitted By: Group 3 – Alpha Signal Rho BSECE IV-1 Leader : SANTOS, Ralph Rhyan G. We will write a custom essay sample on Mp4 Matlab or any similar topic only for you Order Now Members: BELANO, Gracielle D. ESPINOSA, Joey Q. HERNANDEZ, Jan Roldan B. MATIC, Millicent G. RIVO, Sarah Ezekiel M. VILLENA, Kane Dave R Engr. Gerhard P. Tan Instructor Introduction It is known that our fast-paced emerging technology has been able to give us anything that we wish. Concerning the field of Digital Signal Processing, our latest technology has been able to give birth to many new forms of media file format both in audio and video. A few number of groups tried to produce different media file formats that would be of their greatest preferences but a certain group known as the Moving Picture Experts Group with the combined help of different professionals all around the world were able to create several media file formats that are of great use and in many ways universal. These said formats were then treated as the standards and then were implemented and it was used worldwide. After being assigned a certain file format per group, the certain multimedia file format that will be discussed by our group in this paper is the MP4 file or the file extension format known as . mp4. It is known that the . mp4 file format is the multimedia file container format for the MPEG-4 so some topics about MPEG-4 will also be discussed. Also, we will feature its history, applications, advantages and disadvantages and as well as the future for this certain file format. Different issues surrounding the main topic will be tackled as well and will be explained with the full extent of our capabilities. This research work was designed for students like us to gain new knowledge and discover the fundamentals behind the different technological advancements that we are already enjoying. It could be taken in account that all of our group members participated and did their part in constructing this research paper. History MPEG-4 part 12, which is known as ISO Base Media File Format, was originally the 1st version of the file format for MPEG-4. It was based upon Apple’s QuickTime container format. Afterwards, this part was then revised and thus giving birth to the MPEG-4 part 14 which is the MP4 file format. This occurred in the year 2003 wherein the difference between the two is the Part 1 or the System Standard. The first version then became the basis for many other file formats that were released afterwards. Theories and Principles What is MP4? {draw:frame} IV. Interact with the audiovisual scene generated at the receiver’s end. MPEG-4 Standards The basic components of streaming media are encoders, servers and players. The encoder compresses the video and distributes the compressed video to players that decode and render it. For interoperability the overlapping areas in Figure 2 need standardization, that is file formats, protocols and codecs. The MPEG-4 standard covers it all. {draw:frame} Figure 2 – Streaming media components More recent parts added into MPEG-4 are: †¢ Part 9: Reference Hardware Description†, Phase 1 Hardware Accelerators, Phase 2 Optimized Reference Software integration through Virtual Socket †¢ Part 10: Advanced Video Coding (as discussed below) †¢ Part 11: Scene description (to be split off from part 1) †¢ Part 12: ISO Media File Format. †¢ Part 13 : IPMP Extensions. †¢ Part 14 : MP4 File Format (based on part 12). †¢ Part 15 : AVC File Format (also based on part 12). †¢ Part 16 : AFX (Animation Framework eXtensions) and MuW (Multi-user Worlds). Part 17 : Timed text subtitle format †¢ Part 18 : Font Compression and Streaming †¢ Part 19 : Synthesized Texture Stream †¢ Part 20 : Lightweight Application Screen Representation (LASeR) †¢ Part 21 : MPEG-J Graphical Framework eXtension (GFX) †¢ Part 22 : Open Font Format Specificat ion (OFFS) based on OpenType †¢ Part 23 : Symbolic Music Representation (SMR) {draw:frame} Figure 3: Classification of MPEG-4 Toolset {draw:frame} Figure 4: The parts of MPEG-4, the arrows represent flow of bits Because of its universality and flexibility, the MPEG-4 could be applied almost everything. Of course, since there are media files that do not make use of all the tools provided by the MPEG-4, it resulted in the creation of different profiles. Such profiles are classified according to the tools that they make use of. In general, the different file formats that could contain the MPEG-4 system are as follows: . m4a – media container for raw audio only .m4v – media container for raw video only .mp4 – media container for audio, video and still images . 3gp . 3g2 – media container used in cellular phones Data Streams †¢ Still images (e. g. as a fixed background); †¢ Video objects (e. . a talking person – without the background; †¢ 2–D and 3-D objects such as those used for animations; Audio objects (e. g. the voice associated with that person, background music) Every single one of these media objects present when gathering them in MPEG-4 are stored individually into what we refer to as â€Å"data streams†. In MPEG- 4, every object is tightly coupled with a stream: such binding is made by the means of the Object Descriptor Framework which links an object to an actual stream. This design seems obvious for video objects that rely on a compressed video stream. It has been pushed a bit further: the scene description and the description of object descriptors are themselves streams. In other words, the presentation itself is a stream which updates the scene graph and relies on a dynamic set of descriptors, which allow referencing the actual media streams. These design principles can be summarized in the following figure, which gives a visualization of a scene. {draw:frame} Figure 5: An MPEG-4 scene aggregating different media streams Different objects can be encoded and transmitted separately to the decoder in their own elementary streams. The composition only takes places after decoding instead of before encoding. This applies to both visual objects and audio alike. In order to do the composition, MPEG-4 includes a special scene description language, called BIFS, for binary Format for Scenes. Atoms After the streams are collected, they are then stored into object – oriented structures called â€Å"atoms†. These atoms are what primarily compose an MP4 file. The type field is usually four printable characters. Atom structured files are used in a number of applications, and it is possible to form multi-purpose files which contain the atoms required by more than one specification. Examples include not only the ISO Base File Format family described here, but also the JPEG 2000 file format family, which for the most part is a still-image file format. {draw:frame} Figure 6: Complex File with External Media Data In the MP4 file format, determining how to decode a track involves two decisions. First, what kind of track is it: audio, visual, and so on? And then, precisely how are the samples are coded? The first decision is made by examining the handler type; along with the handler type, there is a type-specific header atom within the track structures for each kind of track. draw:frame} Figure 7: MP4 Handler type and Header atom type {draw:frame} Figure 8: Relation between different objects Application Television Broadcasting MPEG-4 offers well enough compression for transmitting hundreds of channels and satellite TV cable that consumers expect applicable even in high definition televisions. Broadcast applications can take advantage of the MPEG-4 standard to offer h igh-quality interactive content delivered over traditional TV networks or cable TV networks. Mobile Communication and Entertainment MPEG-4 handsets are established for the purpose of having two-way video calls or watch video programming over 3G networks. The MPEG-4 standard allows video streaming of very low bit rate content over all types of networks. It makes provisions for streaming in error-prone environments. These qualities are crucial when streaming rich content to wireless devices. Internet Streaming MPEG-4 has several characteristics that make it the ideal standard for streaming rich media over the internet. For the narrowband Internet, applications can use content compressed at low rates. For broadband Internet, applications can use the same content encoded at higher bit rates. The interactive nature of MPEG-4 means that MPEG-4 content can be used in advanced multimedia applications. And because MPEG-4 allows for scalability, the same content can be streamed to different devices over heterogeneous networks. Portable Gaming Distance Learning and Training One of the keys to distance learning and training is the ability to transmit over different networking infrastructures and interactivity. In a corporate training scenario, MPEG-4 content can be broadcasted via satellite to company branches in remote locations and over the LAN to employees at headquarters. Digital Still Cameras and Convergence Devices Most digital cameras now include movie modes for capture of short video sequences and with the new affordability of high-capacity flash memory, it is possible to build camera-like Mobile Content Convergence Devices that include the functions of a camera, camcorder and music player in one device. Given its compression efficiency, multi-platform support and its freedom from platform bundling requirements, MPEG-4 is an ideal fit for these devices. Satellite Radio MPEG-4’s audio codec have been employed in several systems for satellite radio and multimedia broadcasting. Security Video surveillances are modern means of security employment. Often, the devices used must limit the video resolution and frame rate to provide a reasonable recording time, and mostly require proprietary video players or some plug-ins to view the stored content. Recording using MPEG-4 enables and provides full resolution and desired frame rates. Also, MPEG-4 coding reduces storage cost. Its interoperability also allows users to combine equipment from different manufacturers in their systems and still be able to export a certain video in a universally readable format. MATLAB SIMULATION Since we know that from the principle of MPEG-4, each media object present in the scene while it is taken will be conveyed into its own elementary stream. These media objects could be an audio, video or a still image. The first thing to do is record first an analog signal with the use of the matlab tool known as daqscope. daqscope A window showing an example oscilloscope will be shown. It will look like the picture below. By pressing the arrow button, the recording of an analog signal will begin. The generated signal will depend on the sounds that will be acquired from a recording device such as a computer microphone. After recording on both channels, you can then close the window. The recorded signal will be treated as â€Å"winsound0†. addchannel(ai,1:2); set(ai,’SampleRate’,44100) set(ai,’SamplesPerTrigger’,44100) tart(ai) wait(ai,2) data = getdata(ai); plot(data) The example analog signal that we made look like the next figure. {draw:frame} video = mmread(‘mymovie. mpg’,1:100); This command would then generate the first 100 frames of the video that we have chosen. In our example we used a sample video from the MATLAB folder known as vipmen we con verted it first to an mpg file then renamed it into mymovie. The figure below shows some sample frames. {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} {draw:frame} I = imread(‘mymovie. pg’); I = im2double(I); T = dctmtx(8); B = blkproc(I,[8 8],’P1xP2†²,T,T’); B2 = blkproc(B,[8 8],’P1. *x’,mask); I2 = blkproc(B2,[8 8],’P1xP2†²,T’,T); imshow(I), figure, imshow(I2) Advantages and Disadvantages The main advantage of the MP4 file format is its interoperability. Since mpeg-4 contains many different tools for different programs for different purposes, it stood up and showed its universality and multi-functionality which we think is the most basic pre-requisite for a media file format to be of great importance. Also, because of that same reason, MP4 is common and would work across different types of players from different manufacturers. It became natural for us to make use of it. Another advantage is that there is no additional infrastructure investment needed for its development unlike mpeg-2 that required billions of dollar to be developed, the MPEG-4 used the pre-existing knowledge and altered it to its preference. The greatest disadvantage would be the licensing terms and the content fee of the MP4 file format. This could be a hindrance for companies that would be using it in a large scale. It could be the reason to slow down the adoption of MP4 for broadcasting in IP networks. Another is with the ever known piracy problem since it relies on data encryption. Also, the download time in a broadband connection, which is much longer than the time consumed when downloading regular files, having the fact that MP4’s are still generally large files. Emerging Technology References: Principles of Digital Audio by Ken C. Pohlmann Principles of Multimedia by Ranjan Parekh MPEG-4 Whitepaper, www. medialab. sonera. fl http://my. opera. com/ebest24/blog/2006/11/11/general-mp4-information http://www. coolutils. com/Formats/MP4 http://www. zimbio. com/QuickTime/articles/4/History+MP4+Technology+Apple http://www. chiariglione. org/mpeg/standards/mpeg-4/mpeg-4. htm http://www. ncsu. edu/it/multimedia/mpeg4. html http://www. mpegif. org/resources/mpeg4userfaq. php How to cite Mp4 Matlab, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
A Persuasive Paper on How to learn to love yourself Essay Example For Students
A Persuasive Paper on How to learn to love yourself Essay L. Introductions. Why are we so afraid of telling ourselves we love ourselves? Why do we search outside of ourselves to find love? How can we overcome the fear of accepting who we are? How do we deal with low self-esteem? I will attempt in the speech to address those questions as well as share with all of you that it is possible to find love within, admire yourself, and accept yourself with all of your flaws. Body . Take a look at you. A. The first thing to do is to take a long hard look at you, a rational assessment of who you are with all the good and the imperfect. B. Be honest with what you see and feel. We will write a custom essay on A Persuasive Paper on How to learn to love yourself specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Believe you are worthy and know you are priceless. C. Remember, the way you see yourself and treat yourself is the way that other people will see and treat you. 2. Forgive yourself This is key. Forgiving yourself is the second step to loving yourself. How can one love themselves if they have not forgiven them self for the past or the present. B. As a child, even as an adult we may have done things we are not proud of. There is not one person who has not harmed them self or allowed harm to come to them. Sometimes we are not at fault. Affirmation are one way to learn to forgive yourself. Affirmations. Lets talk about Affirmations. A-Okay I would Like everyone to say I believe I am worthy of good things; I am beautiful. Go ahead say It now I will wait. (pause) Now try looking In the mirror every single morning and telling that tortuously. Do this before you have washed your face, before you have brushed your teeth. Before any of the rituals you normally do. Heck, make the affirmation a ritual. At first you may feel ridiculous. Keep doing it anyway. Post it on your mirror so that you do not forget. B. Another affirmation Is: l have the courage to believe that I am worthy of love. Say t out loud, every day, at least once, if at all possible at least ten times each time you see it. Use a sticky note, they are great. C. Doing this action will assist you in learning to love yourself. Love is an action word. Not only say these things but also act on these things. As you go through your day smile often. Say that It Is a good day to be you. Read a meditation or any B. There i s a saying you cannot give away what you do not have. So how can you even love another or accept love if you do not love yourself? It is time to choose! 5. Love is a choice. A. It is important to know that love is not a feeling, it is a choice. Choose to love yourself now. You do deserve it, right? You deserve the best love has to offer you and your love is the best you can give to you. B. The more you choose to love yourself the more you can love those in your life. Your family, friends, significant others, husbands, wives, and anyone else that you find an important part of your life but first choose to love you! 6. Why do we search for love on the outside? A. In order to stop searching for love outside of yourself you must think about what you need to fill the hole inside that craves for love. 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B. Only you are capable of giving yourself love, the unconditional love that you need. When you finally find it, you will shine and you will attract that love from others . When you are no longer needy and insecure it will show and people will notice the change in you. 2. Change your ideas, attitudes, and behaviors and as a result you will see that you are not attracting unhealthy relationships as much. 7. Keep a Journal. A. Write, write, and keep writing. Keeping a Journal is a great way sort to through daily experiences. Good, bad, or indifferent. B. Write about the Joy in your life and pain; feel, get real, deal then you heal. C. Writing allows the things to be revealed by visualizing it. D. Own what you write, it is yours whether real or not it reflects your feeling and your feelings are valid because they are yours. 8. Why learn to love yourself? A. I am not talking narcissism here. I am talking about a healthy love for you. Why should you love yourself? Love yourself for confidence, for appreciation, for respect to ones self. Mind, body, and spirit. B. There are so many reasons one should learn to love them self I hope through my persuading you find the one that exists for you. In Conclusions we sincerely love ourselves we know that we do not need to be ourselves, we are able to give love freely to others without fear of being hurt or used. We love ourselves enough to not allow others to take advantage of us. And, when we are secure in our love of self, we attract the love of others. Being able to love your self is about embracing all you have and once you are able to do this you will have conquered half the battle. I am a survivor myself. I found that I like being with me. I can take time for myself today. This did not happen overnight it took time to really get to know me, my likes and dislikes. This has been a great awareness for me. I have endured many obstacles blocking me from loving myself. All I was doing was trying to fill a hole with shopping, men, sex, and friends. None of this worked, the fear and pain of knowing me was always there. I suffered from low self esteem. I have even tried moving to different cities only to take me with me. I have been abused and degraded because that is how I treated myself. I no longer have to live like that. I am a winner and I guarantee if you follow these simple suggestions you too will be a winner and find love within. You will no longer settle for less and call it acceptance.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Nickel and Dimed
Barbara Ehrenreich’s book, Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America, describes the experiences the author went through when she forfeited her good life and went undercover so as to see for herself how it feels to work for an hourly wage of $6 to $7. Instead of simply listening to the accounts of other individuals, she decided to travel to Florida, Maine, and Minnesota, with the intention of assuming the role of a minimum wage employee.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Nickel and Dimed specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ehrenreich worked and lodged in every location for about a month. Although she was working full time, she found it hard to meet her needs adequately and she was often forced to do two jobs at a time to make ends meet. The author decided to go on this experiment with the intention of establishing whether the amount of money paid to low-wage workers is enough for their sustenance. Eh renreich’s expose ´ has revealed so many things to me concerning the situation of the low-wage workers in America. Whereas the experiences that the author underwent were captivating, I did not get the feeling that she really anticipated to achieve something in her tricky experiment. However, after getting her point of view from her personal experiences, the difference between the rich and the poor has become even more apparent to me. To start her experiment, Ehrenreich decided to go to Key West, Florida, which was near her home to try to find an employment there (Ehrenreich, 2008). Luckily, she got recruited to work as a waitress in a diner-style restaurant and found an efficiency apartment thirty miles away from the city to live in. However, the payment she received from the job was hardly adequate to sustain her and pay for the next month’s rent. As a result, she opted for a second job at a local hotel to work as a maid. Interestingly, she was unable to cope with t he two jobs. Ehrenreich then left the maid position after one day and the waitress position also became equally demanding. Therefore, she quitted the job even before the end of the month. After departing from Florida, Ehrenreich went to Portland, Maine, where she managed to get a job with The Maids, a residential housekeeping service, and she also worked as a dietary aide in a nursing home so as to make ends meet. The two jobs forced her to work for seven days a week and she managed to stick it out until the end of the month. She found that working with The Maids was both physically demanding and paying meager wages. In addition, she felt that the work was degrading to her. A notable experience she describes is when one of the maids got injured while performing her duties and although she unsuccessfully tried to thwart the normal operations at the residential housekeeping service, she managed to convince the management to give the injured maid a day off. Serving in the nursing home, the author found herself attending to the needs of all the patients in the whole Alzheimer’s section. And, she feared making any mistake that could cause more harm to her patients as she had little experience on the job.Advertising Looking for term paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The third location chosen for the experiment was Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she found it more difficult both to get an employment opportunity and a reasonably priced apartment to stay in. It was hard for her to get an apartment in the city because the vacancy rate was less than one percent. Nonetheless, after spirited attempts, she was employed by Wal-Mart as a â€Å"softlines†worker and she found a rundown motel to stay in, which threatened her safety and proper sleep at night. Thus, to improve her conditions of living, she moved to a nicer hotel. The work at Wal-Mart was not only repetitive and monoto nous, but also extremely low paying that made her to struggle in meeting her needs. This made her to believe that the workers at the company are working themselves too hard compared to the meager wages they receive. Interestingly, when she was leaving every job in all the three locations, she never witnessed a dramatic response from the workers she revealed to that her main intention was to write a book about her experiences. The employees seemed to be caught up so much in their low paying jobs that none of them showed any interest in her candid reasons for vacating the positions. Reading the experiences that Ehrenreich went through surprised and shocked me, as well. Importantly, it made me change my perception about the individuals in America who survive on low-wage jobs. Although I had the opinion that individuals living in trailer apartments were finding it hard to make ends meet, I had not fully thought that they were living in deplorable conditions that even affording a trailer apartment would seem difficult. Worth mentioning, I also considered that individuals on low-wage job would be capable of meeting at least their basic needs such as adequate food and shelter. However, reading the book immediately opened my eyes concerning how much those on minimum wage work so hard to afford the basic items, not mentioning the luxuries. Nickel and Dimed reveals this problem through the experiences that the author went through in different locations in the United States. The astounding expose ´ that the author makes has changed my opinion regarding a number of social issues. I agree with the author’s claim that minimum wage employees represent the largest, most philanthropic category of the American workforce because of the many challenges that they have to tackle in order to survive.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Nickel and Dimed specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Notably, Ehrenrei ch’s argument has made me to realize that minimum wage workers in America are maybe one of the most ignored segments of the country’s workforce. The topic on how much an American worker should be paid at minimum is often a controversial one (Waltman, 2000). The issue often ignites debates in the social and political spheres. However, as Ehrenreich points out, few individuals are really interested in ways of improving the lives of the low-wage earners. When legislation is passed to increase the amount of minimum wage in the country, the government and others usually pay more attention on the response of the employers while disregarding the effects of this in the real lives of the recipients of the legislation. The book has succeeding in revealing this great deal of social discrimination that is still prevalent in the American society. Consequently, the course of low-wage earners is still severely hurt. Before reading the book, I had the perception that minimum wage jobs did not require any â€Å"skills†to perform. However, the explanation that Ehrenreich gives has made me to think otherwise. Ehrenreich, a journalist with a Ph.D. degree, discovered that manual labor was physically demanding, boring, humiliating, and needed incredible acts of resilience, focus, good and fast thinking, and accuracy to perform. She also found out that continuous and recurring movement leads to the risk of cumulative trauma disorder (CT). For one to deliver results as a minimum wage worker, one must be able to endure pain so as to hold a position in a market with constant returns. In addition, Ehrenreich points out the malpractices of the people in the management position who make the whole experience of low-wage earners to be even more dejected. They often disrupt the employees productivity and compel those they supervise to perform degrading and uninteresting duties. In the book, Ehrenreich details the problems and sufferings of the individuals who, either du e to lack of experience or other causes, have to commence their careers at the bottom by earning low-wages. Her explanation reveals that they find it hard to get by, and even more difficult to forge ways ahead. I would also expect it to be full of hardships and difficulties. However, I am not certain if the author expected it to be so difficult and I am also not certain if her experience was long enough to enable her make the assertions or if she did her best in her undercover investigations. Nonetheless, as pointed out earlier, many of the issues she has raised are factual. The thought provoking book, Nickel and Dimed, was well-written and it is worth reading for opening the eyes of the readers regarding minimum wage employment in America.Advertising Looking for term paper on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Reference List Ehrenreich, B. (2008). Nickel and dimed: on (not) getting by in America. New York: Henry Holt Co. Waltman, J. L. (2000). The Politics of the minimum wage. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press. This term paper on Nickel and Dimed was written and submitted by user Trey Hall to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Acids and Bases Chemistry Lesson Plan
Acids and Bases Chemistry Lesson Plan Acids, bases, and pH are core chemistry concepts that are introduced in elementary level chemistry or science courses and expanded upon in more advanced courses. This chemistry lesson plan covers essential acids and bases terminology and offers students hands-on experience testing common home chemicals to determine whether they are acids, bases or neutral. Time Required This lesson can be completed in 1-3 hours, depending ​on how in-depth you decide to get. Educational Level This lesson is best-suited for students at the elementary to middle school level. Materials red (purple) cabbagecoffee filtershousehold chemicals with a variety of pH levels. You can use this pH scale for ideas. Good choices include diluted ammonia, laundry detergent, milk, vinegar, water, soft drinks, and lemon juice. You may wish to prepare pH test strips in advance or this may be completed by the students. The simplest way to prepare test strips is to heat red cabbage leaves with a very small amount of water either in a microwave or else over a burner until the leaves are soft. Allow the cabbage to cool and then score the leaves with a knife and press coffee filters onto the cabbage to absorb the juice. Once a filter is completely colored, allow it to dry and then cut it into strips. Acids and Bases Lesson Plan Explain what is meant by acids, bases, and pH. Describe characteristics that are associated with acids and bases. For example, many acids taste tangy. Bases often feel soapy when rubbed between your fingers.List the materials that youve gathered and ask students to predict, based on their familiarity with these substances, whether they are acids, bases or neutral.Explain what is meant by a pH indicator. Red cabbage juice is the indicator used in this project. Describe how the color of the juice changes in response to pH. Demonstrate how to use pH paper to test pH.You can prepare pH solution or strips in advance or make this into a class project. Either way, have students test and record the pH of a variety of household chemicals. Assessment Ideas You may wish to provide an unknown and have students determine approximate pH. Based on the pH, is this an acid or a base? From a list of three chemicals with different pH values and characteristics, ask students to select the identity of the unknown sample.Have students research pH indicators and identify other common household chemicals they might use to test pH instead of using red cabbage juice.Ask students to explain, in their own words, the difference between acids and bases. What is meant by neutral? What does pH measure?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Bibliography Annotated Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Annotated Bibliography Example He agrees with Cohrs that fear can impact the acceptance of anti-terrorism actions and laws. The main phrase here is â€Å"civil disobedience.†For Allen, civil disobedience does not always relate to coercion and intimidation, though demonstrators also aim to generate public dialogue and use moral appeals to justice. The approach of the author is to use social and political theory to explain terrorism reactions from the public. This is different from other sources and it so it will be useful in understanding terrorism from the perspective of deliberative democracy. This article is important in emphasizing how deliberative democracy can promote peaceful means of civil disobedience. This is an interesting point on how people can avoid being terrorists themselves by resorting to violence and propaganda. This article will be useful in expanding the debate to consider how democracies are defined and how their definitions can impact the framework of and discourse on terrorism and civil liberties. This reference approaches the subject of terrorism in a critical manner by citing the views of three speakers, Malcolm Wallop, David Kopel, and Nadine Strossen. These speakers agree that the government tends to pursue anti-terrorism policies that hurt civil liberties. They define their approaches against anti-terrorism legislation and their effects on civil liberties. The image that they are forming is that anti-terrorism laws are also anti-civil liberties. Another image is the Big Brother symbol for an authoritarian government that uses terrorism to enhance its powers, while reducing individual rights to their civil liberties. Big Brother, for them, appears paternal, but can be easily exploited by the government for their self-interests, such as reducing freedom of speech and association and privacy rights. Wallop argues that citizens should also be against anti-terrorism legislation that hamper them from
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
To What Extent does New Queer Cinema Restage Dominant Themes of Essay
To What Extent does New Queer Cinema Restage Dominant Themes of Classical Hollywood - Essay Example Classical Hollywood films refer to those films that were produced between 1910s through 1950s (Michele, 12). As opposed to New Queer Cinema films, these classical films did not openly dramatise homosexual issues because of the dominant and conventional heterosexual lifestyle. It was the New Queer Cinema that came with the sexual revolution and opted to go against the status quo, challenging the heterosexist minds by explicitly dramatising homosexuality. However, restaging the dominant themes in the classical Hollywood cinema brought about this shift. This paper evaluates the extent at which the New Queer Cinema has restaged dominant themes of the classical Hollywood cinema. In order to understand dominant themes that the New Queer Cinema has restaged, we should understand some identifying genre styles. First in order to identify and designate a group of films into a certain class, like the New Queer Cinema, principle characteristics are to be isolated (Braudy, 34). One such isolating approach is referred to as structuralism that lists genre’s iconography, stock characters, typical themes and central narratives (Gever, Greyson & Pratibha, 92). Another approach would situate genres within the historical context in order to assess how films achieve public popularity and how these impacted the production studios. In this case feedback is highly essential in determining whether some class of the film will succeed in the market or not. Gever, Greyson & Pratibha, 93) analyse that, this success is highly depended on the ability of the film to capture key and popular cultural anxieties that are prevalent at the time. The last approach, which is closely intertwined with the gist of this paper, is the way we have classified films over time. This is the origin of the classification of classical Hollywood films and the New Queer Cinema (Gever, Greyson & Pratibha, 93). What has been the concern of most classification is the shift from the most relevant and prevalent t hemes of the time. In most cases, New Queer Cinema revises classical cinema themes and makes them more relevant to the target audience at a time or generation. As we saw earlier, in their exact nature, classical Hollywood films did not dramatise homosexual lives and issues because such issues were not openly acceptable. The content of the Hollywood narrative was largely heterosexual, and that was reflected by male-female romance; a theme dramatisation which was common in all film genres (Mann, 2). Where homosexuality issues featured in a film, before the sexual revolution, the new queer film; insignificant and supporting roles were allotted to the characters. For instance, in the film A Florida Enchantment (1914), a pre-code film, homosexuality was so extreme at that time in featuring female characters who fed on magical sex-changing seeds that turned them into women pursuing Lotharios (White, 11). This lack of direct and explicit dramatisation of homosexual themes emanated from the Hollywood production code that was made effective in 1934, which forbade explicit depiction of what is called "sex perversion" (Mann, 12). At that time, however, the classical Hollywood cinema, under the code, kept on suggesting queerness by the use of effeminate men and mannish women; although the characters never came in the open as real homosexual or lesbians proper. There are classic actors like Horton (1886–
Monday, November 18, 2019
Bitter Competition The Holland Sweetener Company Versus NutraSweet Essay
Bitter Competition The Holland Sweetener Company Versus NutraSweet. Harvard Business School 9794079 Rev November 13, 2000 - Essay Example The company might also use its strong brand equity to combat threats of competition. Even though it gained a name in the consumer market, NutraSweet's revenue still largely come from other business organizations like Coke and Pepsi. In response to the entry of competitors, the company is expected to further forged stronger partnerships with them by giving them special discounts or by decreasing its prices outright. With the aforementioned discussion, it a price war is more likely to happen between NutraSweet and Holland Sweetener Company (HSC). In competing in the market, HSC will capitalize in its production efficiency which will enable it to price more competitively. In fact, what HSC really desires is the lower the price level of aspartame in the market. With this move, it is expected that NutraSweet will respond competitively by lowering its prices especially in the industrial sector. However, in the consumer segment, NutraSweet will maintain its prices and further differentiate its products from the offering of other industry entrants.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Mployee Relations Against A Changing Background Management Essay
Mployee Relations Against A Changing Background Management Essay Employee is the key element of an organization. The success of the organization depends much on the employee. Relationship among the employee and employer is an important issue in the present business world. by managing employee relation organization easily manage the organization goals. So the manager should have aware about the nature of employee relation and application on the business. For the overall activities of employee relation a manager have to the nature of conflict and its effect on the employee relationship. LO1: Understand the context of employee relations against a changing background Explain the unitary and pluralistic frames of reference (P1) Unitary reference In Unitary reference all the employee share their object, interest and purpose. By this way employee can work together, hand to hand. Moreover, unitary is a systematic approach where the entire employee should loyal to other. (Abbott, k. 2006) Unitary assumptions and values have played a significant role in three schools of theoretical and practical thought: theory of scientific management Human relations theory Human resource management Pluralistic reference Pluralists reference start from a set of view, assumption and values in which workplace conflict is inventible. Administration and workers constitute two such groups, who, because of the very nature of the factory system, which are seen as invariably subscribing to different values and objectives. (Abbott, k. 2006) Evaluate how the changes in trade unionism in the 20th century have affected employee relations within the organization (P2) Innovation of trade is old like human history but trade union come to form in the18th century. This becomes very powerful in the 19th century trade union come to form to maintain the interest of the business man. In the very first of the 20th century trade union become very powerful. in 1901 a bill was passed in the court that a tare union can sue against any organization or person for which organization become bound to give the proper right to the employee. From 1923-1929britain faces the conservation government in that time some general stick was held by the trade union which make the trade union more powerful and for this the unlimited freedom of management began to decrease. During the 1920s old industries like coal mining were declining. So in 1921 employers cut wages. In 1926 they proposed to cut wages and increase working hours. But the trade union protect against it. in the may 26 in 1926 a general stick held against it a processing also held where some employee died for which we observe the may day. By this the way trade union affects the employee relation (businesscasestudies, 2012). Explain the role of 4 main players in employee relations of an organization (P3) The main four player of an organization are chief exceptive officer, human resource manager, employee trainee and department head. All he persons play some incredible rule to maintain the employee relation. Their role are describe below Role of department head: Department head paly some important role to build up a unique relationship between the employee. A department head observed all the activities of the employee under his department which is very helpful to crate relationship. On the other hand he also monitors the relationship among the employees. Role of HR manager in employee relation: Human Resource Manager can develop the relationship by providing enough information, managing workforce engagement, and job design and so on Role of employee trainee in employee relation: by provide the proper training employee trainee ensure the proper employee relation. Role of financials manager: By making suitable wages and salary policy financial manager help to maintain employee relationship Why do you think the field of Industrial Relations has been replaced with the name Employee Relations over the years? Give examples to support your answer (M1) Industrial relation means the relation between industries and employee relation means the relation among the employee, employer and management. The term industrial relation has been replaced with the name f the employee relation .i support this statement for the below reasons Industrial relation replaced by the employee relation because RE concept is much helpful to the firm Employee relation is easier to understand for the general employee. industrial relation is not so much effective than the employee relation now employee is consider the core element of any organization for which industrial relation replaced The value of industrial relation cant maintain the better relationship. (naukrihub ,2012). LO2: Understand the nature of industrial conflict and its resolution Explain the procedures an organization should follow when dealing with different conflict situations Every organization faces many types of conflict. Many organizations maintain a code of procedure to solve the workplace conflict. The procedure of dealing with different conflict situation maintain three steps Indentify causes of conflict Identify the way of solve conflict situation Ways of implement solving procedure Conflict solve procedure Armstrong, M,(2003), Identify the causes of conflict: For many causes conflict can arise in an organization. the most common reason are given below sexual harassment in the organization is the prime cause of employee conflict conflict may be arises for the leadership problems past problem which cant solve in the proper tome can be the cause of conflict unhealthy and risky working condition unplanned communication system lack of proper training Identify the ways of solving conflict: Conflict must be solving for the organization further success and maintain proper employee relation. There are many ways to solving the conflict of the organization. Those are ensuring the safety and healthy workplace manager can solve workplace conflict giving reward for maintaining employee relation giving the wages and salary in time by maintain proper communication system managing NO HARASMENT policies in all sectors of the business by employee empowerment business can solve workplace conflict Ways to implement solving procedure: There are many ways to implement the solving measures. An organization can implement the solving procedure by the following ways by taking open decision from all of the members of the organization because many innovative ideas may come from general members make a conversation with the Human Resource Manager of the organization and employee representative by managing all business records Making formal commitment about the employee right organization can solve the conflict. Explain the key features of employee relations in a real life conflict situation of British American Tobago (BAT) British American Tobago is very conscious about the employee relation because this company knows that the overall success of an organization depends much on the proper employee relation. In the real life this company maintains some feature to manage the employee relation. Those features are evaluate the degree of employee relation evaluate the contribution of the employee relation to the business success and evaluate the necessary of employee relation in the real life In the real life this company thinks that the employee relation depend on the following feature compensation and payment process securities and safeties of the employees how organizational works are manage and labor management issue Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures used in a conflict situation from real life organization Lack of better understanding between the employee and employer and employee and management can refer as workplace conflict. In the above we see that there is a three steps procedure to solve a conflict. But there is a question may arise how effective of this procedures are? The effectiveness can evaluate by the many ways British American Tobago evaluate the effectiveness by the following ways consumed time to solve a conflict efficiency of solve of a convict cost of organization to solve a conflict measuring the employee relation after solving the conflict the efficiency of the conflict solve procedure measure Torrington Hall, (2007), Present findings from the reasons for conflict between British Airways Cabin Crew staff and management. British airways are a famous airways industry in the world. This is one of the leading companies in the air way industry. in the recent time there is a conflict arise among the cabin crew staff and management. The reasons of this conflict are given below cabin crew said that their salary is low in the measurement of their quality there is a lack of safety they have no insurance poor communication and there is lack of understanding between the cabin crew and manger LO3: Understand collective bargaining and negotiation processes Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining (P7) Conflict may arise in the organization for the bargain about any issue of the organization among the employees and management. This problem can solve by the collective bargaining. The definition of collective bargaining is a procedure of negotiation of any current issue of the organization. Negotiation plays some important role in the collective bargaining. The negotiation is mainly based on the employee salary and safety of the employee. The roles of negotiation in the collective bargaining are Torrington Hall, (2007) negotiation settle the industrial conflict negotiation decrease the unlimited freedom of the management by the negotiation employee become satisfied for which the production increase negotiation create a better relationship between the employee and employer By the negotiation the interests of the trade union fulfill. Critically reflect on any current conflict situation of any public or private organization in UK and give clear conclusions on the effectiveness of negotiation process between two parties (D1) Acas is a rewound organization in the UK. This company is very aware about right of its employee. But recently there is a conflict between the management body of acas and its employee. This conflict happened for many reasons among the lack of equal opportunity, less safety working conditions, unfair treatment, unbearable work load in main For these problems a conflict arises between the management and employee of acas. But this problem was taken under control by the governing body of acas using the negotiation process. To solve this problem governing body discuss with the human resource manager and identify the causes of conflict then they discuss with the employee representative. After discussion the governing understand the reason of conflict. Then the governing body takes some decision based on the employee wants and management lacking. (Acas , 2012) Evaluate the impact of negotiation strategy of London Transport Association for conflict with Tube workers in recent times. (P8) Negotiation is very important to solve the conflict. The negotiation is necessary for all types of company as it production based or service based. For this the negotiation plays an important role to solve the conflict between the London Transport Association and its employee. The impact negotiation to solve the conflict of London Transport Association are discuss below negotiation settle the London Transport Association conflict negotiation decrease the unlimited freedom of the management of the London Transport Association by the negotiation employee become satisfied for which the services standard of London Transport Association increases negotiation create a better relationship between the employee and employer of London Transport Association By the negotiation the interest of the trade union fulfills. Who work on behalf of the employee of the London Transport Association LO4: Understand the concept of employee participation and involvement Evaluate the influence of the EU policies and directives on industrial democracy of workers within the UK (P9) EU policies influence the industrial democracy of workers of UK. Suppose the anti harassment policy make a women move freely in the workplace. They can join any workplace without mental problem like harassment problem. Trade policy is another derivative of EU which indicates the degree of freedom of an organization. By this policy an organization involve in the international business. Safety and healthy workplace is n important policy of EU by which an industrial freedom is measured. If the workplace is safe for the employee the employee get more democratic right thus EU policies influence the UK employee freedom. The impact of UN policies in the UK are given below It protect the sunrise company of UK Vulnerable company of UK are protected by the EU policies EU policies manage the industrial freedom of the employee in the UK Influence the industrial democratic system of workers. Maintain Safety and healthy workplace in the UK business. (europa,2012). Taking help from the answer to Question 4.1 produce a report for LCC and recommend how these EU policies can benefit the organization for long term. (D2) A report LCC About the UN policies Report introduction: European Union is a combination of countries of the Europe. This union has some internal policies about business which influence on the UK business and others countries also. Those policies also influence on the industrial democracy. About the report: This report is about UN policies, the influence of UN policies impact on the democracy freedom and the lacking of the report. The impact of UN policies of the industrial freedom of the UK employee: EU policies influence the industrial democracy of workers of UK. Suppose the anti harassment policy make a women move freely in the workplace. They can join any workplace without mental problem like harassment problem. Trade policy is another derivative of EU which indicates the degree of freedom of an organization. By this policy an organization involve in the international business. Safety and healthy workplace is n important policy of EU by which an industrial freedom is measured. If the workplace is safe for the employee the employee get more democratic right thus EU policies influence the UK employee freedom. Recommendation: The operate policy of EU must be helpful for the general people of the Europe. The policy should be ensure the safety of the employee It is very looked-for to generate a safety and healthy agency for the employees. This must exist the democratic for the employer EU policies must be business oriented These policy must be helpful for the organization (europa,2012). Compare 3 methods used to gain employee participation and involvement in the decision making process in organizations (P10) Employee involvement is an important factor of human resource management. Employee involvement is an important tool to create employee interest on the work. by the employee involvement an employee was given the duty and power to any work for this thy do it with satisfaction. There are many ways of delegation, giving authority method, proper communication method, information method etc. Delegation: delegation is a process of delegate of work of the senior to the subordinate. In this process the supervisor gives responsibility to the subordinate to do any work with proper authority. This method is more effective than others. Proper information method: by providing proper information about the organization manager can give the power to the employee. In this method employee can access the organization information. Giving right technique: Everyone likes power or be a member of authority. Giving power employee involvement can increase. This method is more effective than other methods. Assess the impact of human resource management on employee relations (P11). Human resource management (HRM) is one of the most important parts of any business success and achievement of a business depends on the HRM practices of that business. The main activities of the human resource management are recruitment, employee selection, providing proper training to the employee, employee performance measurement, workplace planning and provide the employee salary and wages. The employee relation may influence by the human resource managements Decisions and activities crate influence on the employee relation. Human resource management always focuses on the employee and organizational development. Armstrong, M,(2003), Function of the human resource management assesses impact by the following ways: Employee selection policies and employee relation: When an organization selects an employee then it considers the employee behaviors. Every company wants to select those employees who are more friendly and skilled. HRM want to take those people who are smart and active and would have loyal to the organization culture for this the new employee can easily cope with the organization. All of the above functions are very helpful to maintain employee relation. Training and employee relation: Providing training is an important function of the HRM. The employee relation depends much on the employee training and development. By giving training to the employee based on the employee relation may helpful to maintain the e3mployee relation. Job design and employee relation: Sometime HRM designs job of the employee based on some assumption. They think workplace is the best place to build up a relationship among the employee because employee spends most of his time in the workplace. Some time job design is based on the help of other method where an employee must have to take help from the other employee. This policy is very helpful for the management to build up an employee relationship. Wages and salary method and employee relation: The relationship between the employee and employer, and employee and management depend on the salary method. if an organization cant pay the salary properly or on the fixed time the overall relationship among the management and employee may breakdown. Work place planning and employee relation: Employee relation depends much on the workplace planning. Safety and healthy workplace help employees to build up a relationship among them. Combine work for example will help employer to create a better relationship with them. Stone, R. (1995) Support your answer in P11 by critically evaluating the impact of any 3 HR practices in improving employee relations in a large organization of your choice (D3). British American Tobago (BAT) is world famous company which is very much aware about the employee relation. The human resource management of BAT is responsible for the employee relation. in the below three human resource planning are discuss which improving the employee relation of the BAT. Employee selection policies of BAT and employee relation: When British American Tobago selects an employee then it considers the employee behaviors. British American Tobago selects those employees who are more friendly and skilled. HRM want to take those people who are smart and active and would have loyal to the organization culture for this the new employee can easily cope with the organization. all of the above functions are very helpful to maintain employee relation in the BAT. (LinkedIn, 2012) Training of British American Tobago and employee relation: Providing training is an important function of the HRM. The employee relation depends much on the employee training and development. By giving training to the employee based on the employee relation create helpful situation for BAT to maintain the e3mployee relation. Job design of British American Tobago and employee relation: and employee relation: British American Tobago designs job of the employee based on some assumption. They think workplace is the best place to build up a relationship among the employee because employee spends most of his time in the workplace. Some time job design is based on the help of other method where an employee must have to take help from the other employee. This policy is very helpful for the management to build up a employee relationship. (LinkedIn, 2012) Wages and salary method of British American Tobago and employee relation: The relationship between the employee and employer, and employee and management depend on the salary method. if British American Tobago cant pay the salary properly or on the fixed time the overall relationship among the management and employee may breakdown. Conclusion: the word employee relation cannot use alone. If we want to ensure proper employee relation in the organization we have to manage the workplace conflict, negotiation process, and collective bargaining. We also know the different relationship theories.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Steps Towards An Ecosociety: Dealing With Air Pollution Essay -- essay
Steps Towards an Ecosociety: Dealing with Air Pollution This essay identifies and explains the problem of pollution facing humanity today. It will also propose one of the first ideas which could more effectively limit air pollution, Emission Credit Trading. This can be seen as one of the first steps in the development of an ecosociety. The notion of a viable ecosociety has created considerable problems in terms of deciding the most effective and efficient policies to be implemented. Air pollution has become one of the most serious environmental problems here at home, and throughout the rest of the world. Air pollution is also perhaps one of the more politically sensitive problems because of the numerous economic, environmental and health implications involved. A key step in the policy-making process is to define the problem to be remedied. If we can not understand the problem, how are we to know what needs to be fixed. Unfortunately, implementing policies on air pollution has the politically undesirable effect of having extensive economic consequences on all sectors of the economy. Therefore, those policies which lead to the development of an ecosociety must be aimed at having the greatest environmental impact while creating minimal economic distortions. For the purpose of this essay, pollution shall be identified as follows "...the deliberate or accidental introduction to the environment of contaminants, in the form of either wastes or products " (Bryner, 10). This essay will deal with the problem of air pollution. Air pollutants come from heavy industry, fumes from automobiles, jet planes and the like. When speaking of the automobile alone "...each gallon of gas burned releases 22 pounds of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere...the car is the single largest contributor to global warming " (Rifkin 179). Although the majority of the problem areas are in the developing world, these areas can affect the entire world. The atmosphere is not confined to borders like the land. Pollution spreads beyond the borders of any country, and as such, no one region can solve the problem alone. In some developing nations, there are areas that people and animals cannot live in for extended periods of time. One visitor to the Romanian 'black town' of Cops Mica noted that "the trees... ...eved, and the initial steps toward the ecosociety taken. Obviously this is not the ideal, having to put a price on the air we breath so as to ensure it's quality, but unfortunately it is the most viable option considering the social system in which we all live. Works Cited 1. Arnopoulos, P. Political Dimensions of an Information Society: A General Overview. Montreal: Gamma, 1982. 2. Bryner, G. ed. Global Warming and the Challenge of International Cooperation: An Interdisciplinary Assessment. Provo UT: Bringham Young University Press, 1992. 3. Gore, A. Biotechnology: Implications for Public Policy. Washington DC. : Brookings Institution, 1985. 4. Keller, E. Environmental Geology. Columbus: CE Merrill Publishing Co., 1985. 5. Mitchell, B. Canadian Resource Policies: Problems and Prospects. Toronto: Methuen, 1981. 6. Rifkin, E. Proteases and Biological Control. New York: Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory, 1975. 7. Saunders, DA Reintegrating Fragmented Landscapes: Towards Sustainable Production and Nature Conservation. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993. 8. Vig, N and Kraft, M. Environmental Policy in the 1990's. Washington DC: C.Q. Press, 1990.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Case Assignment: Disney the Happiest Brand on Earth
REPORT 1 CASE ASSIGNMENT: Disney The Happiest Brand on Earth In 2006, Disney’s Pixar released the hit movie Cars, which grossed $462 million worldwide. Since then, Cars merchandise has generated over $2 billion in sales each year. Pixar has since created a series of Cars shorts to be aired on the Disney Channel with a subsequent DVD release. A Cars sequel is in the works for 2011, and an online virtual gaming world is set to release 2009. In 2012, Disney’s California Adventure theme park will open its 12-acre Cars Land attraction.At Disney, the brand is the name of the game, and cross-platform success of the Cars franchise is by no means the exception to the rule. Disney also has the Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, the Disney Princesses, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the list goes on and on. The man behind the magic is Disney’s CEO, Bob Iger, who has lead a dramatic revitalization of the Disney brand since succeeding longtime head Michael Eis ner in 2005. When he first took the post, his strategy shifted Disney’s focus around its stable of â€Å"franchises. These franchises are distributed across Disney’s multiple company platforms and divisions, such as Disney’s various television broadcasts platforms (the Disney Channel, ABC, ESPN), its consumer products business, theme parks, Disney’s Hollywood Records music label, and Disney’s publishing arm in Hyperion, just to name a few. Iger’s franchise strategy has been supported by the other major move he made upon first becoming CEO. On his first day on the job, Iger told the board that revitalizing Disney’s animation business was a top priority, which would be improved through the purchase of Pixar.As part of Iger’s franchise strategy the deal made perfect sense, as many of Disney’s latest TV shows, Disneyland rides, and merchandise were based on Pixar characters. Finding a new market to push the Disney franchise became a priority as well. With the Disney brand growing flat, it was becoming evident that Disney had missed some opportunities for broader success due to a narrowing of its target market, which was at the time largely associated with younger children.Iger’s first move was to broaden Disney’s viewership by moving the Disney Channel from premium to basic cable and launching local versions in key global markets. Then, Disney began pushing franchises to capture the rapidly growing tween market. Putting its support behind the Disney channel’s High School Musical and Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers, who were emerging out of Disney’s music label, Disney quickly generated a series of franchise juggernauts in the tween girl market.Though Disney’s focus has remained on family-friendly fair, Iger has shown a new willingness to look to even broader markets if they fit with the Disney brand. Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean, the first Disney fi lm with a PG-13 rating, based off the classic theme park ride, played a major role in refocusing the brand, and it also helped expand the Disney appeal to older kids and even adults. The Pirates and Cars franchises also provided preliminary steps for Disney’s latest endeavors to crack the tween boy market, one traditionally difficult for media companies to sustainably capture.Their efforts focus around the new Disney XD channel, which has a broad range of offerings, such as potential new franchises like the science fiction action-adventure show Aaron Stone and showcases of new musical talent. Disney will also be able to leverage ESPN to create original sports- based programming. The channel will be accompanied by a Disney XD Web site, which will promote the channel’s programs, as well as offer games and original videos, social networking, and online community opportunities.As it continues to expand and provide new franchise offerings, Disney looks to have relatively st rong momentum, even in the midst of rising economic challenges. As Steve Jobs, Apple CEO and Disney board member, puts it, â€Å"Family is a renewable resource,†and right now, Disney is making the most of it. SOURCES: Richard Siklos, â€Å"Bob Iger Rocks Disney,†Fortune, January 19, 2009, 80–86; Peter Sanders, â€Å"Disney Focuses on Boys,†The Wall Street Journal, January 8, 2009, available at ttp://online. wsj. com/article/SB123137513996262627. html (accessed January 14, 2009). 1. Do a brief market opportunity analysis for Disney, identifying the major markets that Disney has expanded into. 2. How does Disney’s cross-platform franchising help create sustainable competitive advantage? 3. Describe the marketing mix for one of Disney’s franchises. 4. Describe the major components of Bob Iger’s strategic plan when he first became CEO.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Mies van der Rohe and Neo-Miesian Architecture
Mies van der Rohe and Neo-Miesian Architecture The United States has a love-hate relationship with Mies van der Rohe. Some say he stripped architecture of all humanity, creating cold, sterile, and unlivable environments. Others praise his work, saying he created architecture in its most pure form. Believing that less is more, Mies van der Rohe became the designer of rational, minimalist skyscrapers, houses, and furniture. Along with the Viennese architect Richard Neutra (1892–1970) and the Swiss architect Le Corbusier (1887–1965), Mies van der Rohe not only set the standard for all modernist design but brought European modernism to America. Background Maria Ludwig Michael Mies was born on March 27, 1886, in Aachen, Germany. He changed his name in 1912 when he opened his own design practice in Berlin, adopting his mothers maiden name, van der Rohe. In todays world of one-name wonders, he is simply called Mies (pronounced Meez or often Mees). Education Ludwig Mies van der Rohe began his career in his familys stone-carving business in Germany, learning about the trade from his father who was a master mason and stonecutter. When he was a teenager, he worked as a draftsman for several architects. Later, he moved to Berlin, where he found work in the offices of architect and furniture designer Bruno Paul and industrial architect Peter Behrens. Career Early in his life, Mies van der Rohe began experimenting with steel frames and glass walls, a style that would become known as International. He was the third director of the Bauhaus School of Design, after Walter Gropius and Hannes Meyer, from 1930 until it disbanded in 1933. He moved to the United States in 1937, and for 20 years (1938–1958), he was the director of architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), where he taught his students to build first with wood, then stone, and then brick before progressing to concrete and steel. He believed that architects must completely understand their materials before they can design. Although Mies was not the first architect to practice simplicity in design, he carried the ideals of rationalism and minimalism to new levels. His glass-walled Farnsworth House near Chicago stirred controversy and legal battles. His bronze and glass Seagram Building in New York City (designed in collaboration with Philip Johnson) is considered Americas first glass skyscraper. The Meis philosophy that less is more became a guiding principle for architects in the mid-20th century, and many of the worlds skyscrapers are modeled after his designs. What Is Neo-Miesian? Neo means new. Miesian refers to Mies van der Rohe. Neo-Miesian builds upon the beliefs and approaches that Mies practiced- the less is more minimalist buildings in glass and steel. Although Miesian buildings are unornamented, they are not plain. For example, the famous Farnsworth House combines glass walls with pristine white steel columns. Believing that God is in the details, Mies van der Rohe achieved visual richness through his meticulous and sometimes surprising choice of materials. The towering glass Seagram Building uses bronze beams to accentuate the structure. Interiors juxtapose the whiteness of stone against the swooping, fabric-like wall panels. Some critics call the 2011 Pritzker Prize-winning Portuguese architect Eduardo Souto de Moura neo-Miesian. Like Mies, Souto de Moura (born in 1952) combines simple forms with complex textures. In their citation, the Pritzker Prize jury noted that Souto de Moura has the confidence to use stone that is a thousand years old or to take inspiration from a modern detail by Mies van der Rohe. Although nobody has called Pritzker Laureate Glenn Murcutt (born in 1936) a neo-Miesian, Murcutts simple designs show a Miesian influence. Many of Murcutts houses in Australia, like the Marika-Alderton House, are elevated on stilts and built on above-ground platforms- taking a page from the Farnsworth House playbook. The Farnsworth House was built in a floodplain, and Murcutts above-ground coastal houses are raised for protection from tidal surges. But Murcutt builds on van der Rohes design- circulating air not only cools the house but also helps keep the Australian critters from finding easy shelter. Perhaps Mies thought of that, too. Death On August 17, 1969, at the age of 83, Mies van der Rohe died of esophageal cancer at Chicago’s Wesley Memorial Hospital. He is buried in nearby Graceland Cemetery. Important Buildings Some of the more notable building designs by Meis, include: 1928-29: Barcelona Pavilion1950: The Farnsworth House, Plano, Illinois1951: Lake Shore Drive Apartments, Chicago1956: Crown Hall, Chicago1958: Seagram Building, New York (with Philip Johnson)1959-74: Federal Center, Chicago Furniture Designs Some of the more notable furniture designs by Meis, include: 1927: Side Chair (MR 10)1929: The Barcelona ® Chair1930: Brno Flat Bar Chair1948: Mies allowed one of his protà ©gà ©s, Florence Knoll, exclusive rights to produce his furniture. Learn more from Knoll, Inc.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Gone Baby Gone Movie
Gone Baby Gone Movie Introduction In the film, Gone Baby Gone, various aspects of the community have been highlighted. Corruption and conspiracy are some of the negative aspects of the community that the film has used as one of its main themes. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Gone Baby Gone Movie specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Corruption is the act of conducting a transaction or an action in a manner that is not consistent with the normal rules and regulations in order to achieve personal gains. Corruption has been present in the society for many centuries now. The process of corruption is characterised by individuals gaining their personal benefits at the expense of others. This paper will therefore critically analyze corruption by using the film, Gone Baby Gone as the basis for its arguments. It will analyse the nature of corruption and conspiracy and the involvement of public officials and other members of the public commit the ac t. Corruption in the Society In the film, Gone Baby Gone, detectives are working hard to solve the mystery of a lost child, Amanda. From the background check, the parents of the child are not financially stable. In addition, the mother of the child, Helene, is a drug addict. Due to her condition, one can easily conclude that she is not capable of taking good care of her daughter. On the other hand, her boyfriend, Ray, is involved in a lot of shady deals. He is believed to have stolen some money from a local drug lord, Cheese, a move that may have resulted to Amanda`s kidnapping. Amanda`s aunt is the one who reports the case and hires private detectives to solve the mystery. All through the movie, a number of kidnappings are reported, most of which end up unresolved. The main reason why these cases go unresolved is due to the high level of corruption that surrounds our societies. This vice has found its way into key organizations such as the justice and defence system. As a result, quite a good number of public officials such as the police, lawyers, judges, politicians and normal residents have become part and parcel of the vice. This has led to the organization and implementation of shady deals that involves public officials, gangs and normal residents. Due to the complexity of these organised crimes, it is almost impossible to solve these cases by individuals without a lot of influence.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In New York for example, over 80, 000 cases of kidnappings are reported annually, most of which go unresolved. Most of these kidnappers ask for ransoms but the hostages are never recovered. In certain cases, only the bodies of the victims are found later on after a long investigation. This raises the following questions: Why are these cases hard to solve? What is the main objective of the kidnappers? Why are the law enforcement o fficials reluctant to solve the case? The film, Gone Baby Gone came up with some of these answers. Towards the end, the private investigator managed to put up clues and discovered that the investigators and the chief detective of the case fabricated most of the evidence and leads that they were working on. In addition, the kidnapping of Amanda was staged since one of the private investigators discovered that she was living with the chief detective of the case who had lost a child several years back. Amanda`s aunt, who had reported the case was also involved as she wanted to get away with the alleged stolen drug money. All these individuals committed this crime for their personal gains at the expense of Amanda and her mother. Conclusion Such cases are common in the real world. Due to their complexity, it is difficult to solve them. To ensure that the society is free from such vices, a lot of reforms need to be put in place. This includes strict laws and severe punishment to the in dividuals who commit such crimes. As a result, our societies will become better places to live in.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Web Site Publishing Process Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Web Site Publishing Process - Assignment Example They provide a website builder which is really user friendly and useful. In addition to this a lot of free space is provided which is necessary when it comes to building a website. Domain transfer is another important service which just host provides. The website also gives a money back guarantee this also makes the website really genuine. Other facilities include free multiple e-mail accounts so that mails can be tracked and sent from different mail accounts, unlimited My SQL database and a plethora of other exciting offers. Just host is arguably the best hosting website on the internet. â€Å"Every new website begins with an idea – an idea that can potentially become a challenge to construct without a little basic knowledge and understanding of how web hosting and web hosting companies actually work. The most essential element of any successful website is a reliable web hosting company, one of the most practices methods of sourcing for a reliable host is by frequenting web hosting review sites.†(Just Host Blog) Word Press has given a lot of liberty to the new website publishers; Just host allows the use of Word Press so that it becomes easier for those who have been using Word Press as their publishing platform. Joomla is another platform which a lot of people use and Just Host allows the incorporation of Joomla also. There are a lot of exciting options to choose from this is what makes Just Host the best hosting website. A new user gets free Google and Yahoo advertisement credits which is a great way of attracting traffic and at the end of the day internet is all about traffic, more traffic simply means better results. The control panel provided by Just host is very user friendly and hassle free, to conclude it is very fair to say Just Host is arguably the best web hosting website and it is the best because it offers a lot of exciting features which other hosting websites fail to provide. Whoever is planning to publish a new
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Argentina Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Argentina Project - Essay Example GDP of Argentina (2005 - 2010) Year GDP per capita (constant 2000 US$) 2005 8097.418686 2006 8097.418686 2007 8699.009376 2008 9359.588686 2009 9893.811398 2010 9880.474096 Source: World Databank, 2011 World Databank 2011 The above data collected from the World Databank gives us the GDP of Argentina from 2005 to 2010. The increase in the GDP shows that the economy is expanding. However we must also see the price level and the inflation of the country. Some of the index used to measure the price levels are GDP deflators and the Consumer Price Index. The following figure illustrates the price level of Argentina based on the two indicators. Indicators for Inflation (2005- 2010) Year Inflation, GDP deflator (annual %) Consumer price index (2005 = 100)    2005 8.840489896 100.00 2006 13.42627796 110.90 2007 14.25823933 120.70 2008 19.06845032 131.06 2009 9.977458276 139.28 Source: World Databank 2011 The data collected from the World Databank gives us an insight into the infla tion prevalent in Argentina. Initially, the GDP deflator exhibits that the Real GDP grew slower than the nominal GDP which means the price level rose in that period. However the GDP deflator decreased sharply in 2009. The Consumer Price Index exhibits a steady rise in the period from 2005 to 2009. We shall also consider the Unemployment Rate of Argentina. The trend of inflation has further been demonstrated by the GDP deflator curve in the following diagram... World Databank 2011 The Consumer Price Index number shows an increase over time. World Databank 2011 The trend confirms that though the consumer price index has grown steadily across time, the GDP deflator experienced a sudden drop in 2009. Unemployment The relationship between inflation and unemployment is inversely proportional. According to the theory of Phillip’s Curve, a country experiences a drop in unemployment with a rise in inflation. We shall take a look at the unemployment rates of the country in the correspo nding years. Unemployment Rate of Argentina (2006 - 2010) Year Unemployment Rate Change 2005 14.8 -14.45% 2006 11.6 -21.62% 2007 8.7 -25% 2008 8.5 -2% 2009 7.9 -2.06% 2010 8.7 10.13%    (Indexmundi, 2011; World Databank, 2011) The unemployment rate shows a decrease over the years 2005 to 2010. This indicates the country performing well in terms of employment to their citizen. (Indexmundi, 2011; World Databank, 2011) Therefore we see that in Argentina inflation and unemployment follows an inverse relation which confirms the theory of Phillip’s Curve. Monetary Supply of Argentina A rise in the money supply will lead to a rise in the demand for assets. An increase in money supply changes the balance between interest rate and money supply in the market. The surplus money holding of the people will be utilized to purchase assets. As a large number of people compete to purchase assets, there will be a shortage of assets. As a result there will be an adjustment of the in terest rate of the assets. The interest rate of the assets will fall at the point where people are willing to purchase less number of assets. At that point they will be willing to hold more liquidity. In this way a new equilibrium will be established. Therefore there exists an inverse relation between money supply and interest rate, at a constant price
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